09 || Hair Dye

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Wooo on time updates!!


I'm woken up suddenly by the sound of a door being slammed. I jolt upright, confused as to where I am. My eyes can barely adjust to the dark room, but I realize where I am when I see a boy next to me. I'm at Michael's. There's talking outside in the living room and I'm scared to check on it.

Quickly, I recognize three voices as Michael's best friends. I nudge they platinum haired boy to try and wake him up. It's no use; he won't budge. I decide to go greet the boys, and when I walk out of the man cave, I see them eating the rest of the pizza rolls. Typical. I can't help but roll my eyes as I laugh at the idiots in front of me.

"Hey Skye," Luke barely gets out as he inhales the tray of food.

"Hi beautiful," Calum says, giving me a goofy grin which has sauce stuck in it.

"Hello S," Ash mumbles into my hair as he gives me a hug.

"Boys. I see you've made yourselves at home," I chuckle.

"You're one to talk. Nice bed head," Luke smirks as he says this, making my face turn bright red. The other two erupt in laughter just as the missing band member walks into the room. If my bed head is as bad as his, it looks like we did a lot more than take a nap. The boys notice this as well and laugh even harder. Frick.

"What are you idiots laughing about?" The sleepy boy says as he runs his fingers through his messy hair.

"Oh nothing," Calum blurts out as he erupts into even more giggles. I'm surrounded by two year olds. But I kinda like being around these two year olds.

"Why is everyone here anyways?" I question.

"We're making some music today!" Ashton shouts excitedly. I feel like I'm invading something sacred and almost tell them I'm gonna head home, but something stops me. This is a once in a lifetime chance. Chances like this are why I'm doing a gap year. I have to stay.

The boys all finish their snack and head back down the hallway I came from not even ten minutes ago. They open one of the five doors I'd counted, and reveal a studio. Nothing too fancy, but it's filled with instruments. I can't help but walk up to the guitars which Michael has about seven of. I feel eyes on me and turn around to find 4 pairs watching me questioningly.

"Can I play one?" I ask a little too eagerly.

"Uh... Can you?" Michael questions in response.

I pick up a classical one with nylon strings, my favorite to play, and sit on one of the stools.

"I can somewhat play."

I begin to pick the chords to Settle Down, resisting the urge to sing along. I'm not very good and I don't want to make anyone's ears bleed.

"Sing," Ashton orders. I hesitate, but I begin quietly.

...But you're losing your words
We're speaking in bodies
Avoiding me and talking 'bout you
But you're losing your turn
I guess I'll never learn
Cause I stay another hour or two

Calum takes over for the chorus and it's hard to keep playing instead of just listening to him. Ashton sits down at his cajon, and starts to play a beat. Luke grabs his guitar and begins to pick chords to go along with mine. Michael sits down and does a harmony in some parts. I come back in to sing the second verse and then Luke takes the chorus that time. I wish someone was recording this because it sounds beautiful. Much too soon the song is over and I'm so giddy.

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