{'.~Chapter 38~.'}

Start bij het begin

Allmight sighed, "ok. How would you like to move into U.A's dorms?" Gon put a hand over his mouth to keep him from protesting. "Yes" Allmight blinked. "that was quick" Killua shoved the arm off him. "well, I wasn't exactly going to say no" Gon gave him a skeptical look. "anyways, if you haven't noticed we live in a tree" he slid down and grabbed his stuff as he did so. "after living at Manual's agency for a few days I started to like having an actual bed." a few days later he and Gon were outside the new dorm building. Half the class tried to come over and ask questions but he gave them a glare and they minded their own business. Everybody was kind of down after the teacher's speech so he smirked. "hey Gon" he whispered. "Mm?", "bring Denki over here for me" he went and grabbed Denki and Killua dragged him away. "h-hey man w-whacha need?" Killua grinned, "zap me or I'll-" Denki did it without question, turning into an idiotic shell of a person. He shoved him in the direction of the students and they all started laughing. He snuck in the other direction and went to stand next to Gon. "issue solved"

Everybody went in and gaped at the dorms, while he and Gon went to find their rooms. They happened to be on two completely different floors so they went to Gon's room to get his stuff. Mina was walking around and noticed them, "that's a lot of stuff" he shrugged. "I'm bringing it to Gon's room" Mina's eyes narrowed but she walked away. "let's just set it up" when they got to Killua's room it had a whole bunch of crap laying around. "ok, so what are we gonna do?" Killua grinned, "I bought some stuff that reminds me of home" Gon frowned slightly. "I'm not sure how I feel about that" Killua snorted, "it's not 2 ton cups or utensils, just shut up and help me unpack!" they spent about 10 minutes unpacking boxes. The closet was filled with clothes and a trash can for candy wrappers. When he went into the bathroom he noticed that it was very bland. Killua decided to add a green rug he had bought and some pictures he found in his bag to make it more lively. "Killua, what the heck is this?" he glanced over his shoulder to see Gon pointing at what he was doing to the wall. "this bathroom is boring so I'm filling it with interesting stuff" Gon blinked. "ok whatever"

He and Gon decided to hang out in the common room for a bit, they went to the kitchen and Gon had begged him to make him something. This was probably because at the training camp he had made some insanely delicious food. Still not sure how I did that but whatever. Gon pulled out a bottle of the mysterious spices he had gathered at the camp and set it on the counter as he made food. A few other people were watching him as he cut and cooked the ingredients. Gon put his arms around his waist as he cooked but he didn't mind, it actually felt kind of nice. He also started to hum in his ear, Killua couldn't figure out what song it was but it put him at ease. "how long till that's done Killua?" he checked the timer, "about two minutes" while it was cooking he wiped down the counters and cleaned the dishes he had used, because it was the right thing to do when you shared one kitchen with 20 people. When the timer went off he removed the bowl from the oven and sprinkled the seasoning on top. It didn't look so bad in his opinion.

Gon let go of him and carried it over to the table, sitting down on a stool

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Gon let go of him and carried it over to the table, sitting down on a stool. "so, what is this?" he poked at it with his chopsticks and Izuku gasped, "its Katsudon! How could you not know?" Gon blinked at him. "uhh, if you've forgotten I'm not from here. Also I'm not exactly the smartest when it comes to stuff like this" Killua pulled a second bowl out of the oven and added the spices, before sitting down next to Gon. "I didn't know I could cook till that training camp actually" the small group of people gaped at him. "you mean that's the first time you tried cooking?" Killua snorted, "I cooked once before and it was thrown away because some bitch wanted a specific type so sushi" he frowned slightly. "I never get praised for what I make because nobody tries it " Gon smiled at him, "well I'm willing to try anything you make!" he blushed slightly and looked away, eating his Katsudon. "yeah sure whatever, thanks I guess" he mumbled. Suddenly Mina came up to their little group, "so the girls and I have been talking and-" she paused for a minute as she glanced at him and Gon eating. "let's go around and see who has the coolest room!"

1660 words

To be continued...

16, what color do you think Killua and Gon's dorm room would be for the most part?

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