{'.~Chapter 23~.'}

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HOLY CRAP I GOT 1.2 K VIEWS. as a present, I'm going to post three times today! :3

Manual didn't trust those kids for some reason. He didn't know why, it was just a gut feeling. He was packing up and putting things away in their rightful places. He could probably hire someone to do it but he preferred doing it himself. Gon and Killua seemed so at ease during the patrol, but they noticed everything. Manual had watched them as they talked for a little, and they didn't seem to be paying attention. He was about to stop and scold them when Killua made a comment about how many people were wearing green shoes. It was an odd item, but he glanced around and counted the exact amount. What confused him was how Tenya acted like they were superiors even though they were younger. I mean, the white haired one did casually carry around a hundred Kilograms. He paused for a moment, eyes settling on Killua's bag. I don't want to snoop but... they worry me.

He stood there for a few minutes, questioning if what he was about to do was just or not. He took in a deep breath and opened the bag, to his surprise it was mainly filled with sweets and a frog plush. Huh? Well I mean they are still children... but then he noticed something. Manual saw a dagger and a taser. Why the hell do they have a dagger? The taser he could get but a dagger? He tried to pick up the dagger but it weighed more than it was supposed to. Like the yoyos, this is definitely Killua's bag. He stopped having doubts about whether this was right or wrong, these children were suspicious. In a small side pocket he saw a handful of pictures.

Manual's heart skipped a beat at a few of them, why did that child have black eyes? There was a few people he didn't recognize in one but what worried him most was the one where Killua was obviously threatening someone

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Manual's heart skipped a beat at a few of them, why did that child have black eyes? There was a few people he didn't recognize in one but what worried him most was the one where Killua was obviously threatening someone. He looks so cold, and so calm. He read the date on the back of a few and his jaw dropped when he realized that they were twelve when they took all these pictures. He had a lot of questions, what is that strange creature Gon's holding? Why does Killua have abs so young? Who was the black haired girl? Why was Killua near a mysteriously huge wolf? However none of these questions were something he could just find out by asking, if he did he would have to admit that he snooped.

Manual also noticed that in one picture they both had the tags that they used for their hero costumes. Did they get them somewhere else? Do they hold meaning? He would make sure to keep a close eye on those two. He slipped the photos back and zipped up the 6 strapped bag. He noticed that there was another one and decided to open that too. It had an empty box of pockeys and a few random things, he rifled through it until he came across a notebook. At this point he was just curious and worried, not even caring that this was invasion of privacy. The book read, 'things to remember' interesting.

He flipped to the first page and had to keep himself from laughing out loud. '1, you're a dumbass so don't try to do anything complicated.' the next one was kind of confusing, '2, practice Ren every day' he had no idea what ren was but shrugged it off. '3, don't call Killua kill, reminds him of his family' that one's kind of worrying, does he not like his family? Oh wait, he said his parents were assholes. '4,Killua has separation anxiety so try not to get kidnapped' hmm. '5, Killua is immune to poison' huh? But I thought his quirk had something to do with electricity? '6, Mike won't kill you, Killua told him not to' he thought back to the huge wolf. I guess his name's Mike. '7, never call Bisky old, that's how Killua gets launched into the sky' that one made little sense to him. '8, Killua is scared of hospital beds' that's an odd fear, maybe someone close to him died in a hospital bed? '9, not all people are friendly, you can't trust everyone' that one seemed like an appropriate reminder to him. '10, Killua gets flustered easily in public, but not alone.' he guessed that Killua was more of an introvert. '11, stay away from girls, Killua gets overprotective' Manual couldn't help but smile at that one. '12, if you get kidnapped, your fine. Killua always knows where to find you.' that was kind of odd, did he have a tracker or something? '13, your Killua's only friend, don't spend time with other people without him.' that one was kind of sad. He got introverted, but only one friend? '14, Killua is a Yandre, ignore when other people try to flirt with you to avoid him hurting someone' that one was kind of alarming. '15, if Killua shows any sign of pain something's seriously wrong' what if it was a headache though? '16, never leave your fishing rod, it may save your, or a friends life again.' again? It happened before? '17, Killua isn't invincible. Never let him go into danger alone' he wondered why Killua was seen as invincible, maybe it had something to do with how he's immune to poison? '18, Its ok if you nearly die, Killua will save you.' that one was also alarming. Why would he write that? Has he nearly died before? '19, try not to slip information, Killua gets mad' he did tend to talk a lot. '20, never try to kiss Killua in front of other people, he only enjoys it when we are alone'

Manual was about to turn the page when he realized that it was 9:30. crap, I let myself snoop for that long? He closed the notebook and put it back, then moved both backpacks onto a shelf neatly like he was supposed to do. He felt kind of ashamed that he had done that, but at least he knew a little more about Killua and Gon now. His initial plan had been to separate Killua and Gon to do different things, but after reading that book he learned that it wasn't a good idea. As he passed by the room he heard muffled sounds. "Mh~ Nmh~ Hm~" couldn't they be quieter? There was heavy breathing. "snuggle time?" that was Killua's voice. "but I wanna-" there was a pause. "it's getting late, we don't want to be too tired for the morning" he decided to keep walking. There was still so much he didn't know about those two, but he would make sure to find out some answers tomorrow. What also made him worry a little was Tenya. Why would he take an agency in the city his brother got attacked in? but he knew the answer, he wanted to get revenge. I hope I can stop him before it's too late...

1192 words

To be continued...

i honestly wish i could go back to posting twice a day, and i probably have enough to do it. the issue is that then if i get into writers block for a week then it will affect my posting rate. so that's why I'm going to keep posting once a day, so I don't run out. Cya~ ;3

I've decided that I'm going to start asking questions each chapter because it Interests me. 

1, In a fight to the death (hypothetically) who would win, Killua or Gon?

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