{'.~Chapter 12~.'}

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Killua snorted at the match ups for his round. He heard Denki let out a sigh of defeat, knowing that he wouldn't win this fight. He put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch before looking up at him. "I'll go easy on you, just try to put on a good show" he winked at him, which only seemed to make his Pikachu friend worry more. "just throw out as much electricity as you can without short circuiting and then immediately dodge left." Denki nodded nervously. "d-do you promise to go gentle on me?" Gon came up behind them and brought his fist down on the back of his head. "he'd better, because if he doesn't I'm going to raid his chocolate stash again" that little shit- "hey! I was actually going to go easy on him!" Gon gave him a look that clearly said, 'are you sure about that?' "last time I heard you say that I was flung into two walls" he said dryly, which caused Denki to gulp.

Killua chuckled, "I was going easy on you, but that's because you can keep up with my speed and strength, this Pikachu here, cannot." Gon sighed, then shoved him in the direction of the waiting room. "go and get ready!" Killua smirked back at him. "ya know I don't mind loosing that bet we made~" Gon flushed and stopped pushing him for a moment, blinking rapidly. Hehehehe Killua gave him a wink, making him turn even more red than he already was, than zipped over to where he was supposed to be waiting. He did some stretches, although he probably didn't need to, and sat at the entrance. When he was called, he strolled out with his hands behind his head in his classic, 'I don't give a fuck' pose. I hope Denki listened to me.

"START!" as soon as the words were said Kaminari did as he was told and let out 1300 volts, right at him. Killua than let some of that electricity gather around his body as he ran forward to his left. Denki dodged left frantically and Killua pretended to be disappointed. he then used Godspeed to dart behind him and knock him out with a chop to the back of his neck, a move that he had perfected at heavens arena. He then preceded to grab his unconscious body and dropped him out of bounds. "KILLUA ZOLDYCK WINS!" he heard a particularly loud cheer and he looked over to see Iida and Uraraka side by side, Gon with one foot each on their shoulders. "GOOD JOB KILLUA!" Killua kept his face calm and unemotional until he made it back out of the limelight. Then he covered his face with his hands as it started to burn. "uarhmMHeh" he half yelled, half squeaked. That was so unexpected.

Gon frowned, "why didn't Killua react?" he tried to step down, forgetting that Uraraka had used her zero gravity on him so they could lift them up. Iida had already gone off to do his fight, while Killua was on his way back. It took a few minutes for Killua to come back up to his seat. And Gon noticed that his face was tinged with red. Oh, he did react. It was just late. Gon leapt off the chair and in his direction. "Killua!" he saw Killua look up with a startled expression on his face, and reacted almost instantly, holding his arms out and catching him in a half sitting position. Gon wrapped an arm around his shoulder, giggling a bit. Killua just sighed, carrying him over to his seat. "what the hell Gon? I almost didn't catch you" Gon snorted, "we both know that you would have risked your dignity and life to catch me if it came down to it. " Killua chuckled, "I can't deny that"

They kept talking while the fights were going on. "so how do you think Alluka's doing?" Gon asked curiously. "well before I left she was begging to take the hunters exam" Gon smiled, then remembered nanika. "what about Nanika?" Killua thought for a moment. "she's behaving herself I guess" Gon hummed, leaning his head on Killua's shoulder. "have you made any friends here?" Killua fell silent for a few seconds. "Izuku's the only one I trust fully" he admitted, and Gon smiled. At least he had one person, that's all I could have asked for. He saw said broccoli hair boy making his way over to them. "huh?" Izuku stood next to them, looking extremely awkward. "did you need something?" Killua asked curiously. "I uhh, went to look for you after the Calvary battle and um" it took Gon a full 10 seconds to understand. "Oh. Oh" both his and Killua's faces turned red. "so you left the note?"

he nodded, still uneasy. "I just wanted to ask if your like, official?" he and Killua glanced at eachother. "I guess?" Killua flushed even more than he did. "don't you dare tell anyone!" he could tell that Izuku was trying to hold back a laugh. "ok I just felt like I should ask before assuming" he walked away again. Gon realized something. "hey, aren't we like 14?" Killua looked confused. "yeah?" Gon for some reason remembered something that he read somewhere a while ago. "don't you have to be like 16?" Killua snorted, "who gives a fuck about rules?" Killua grinned as he saw the matchups for the next round. "hey Gon" Gon looked at the board and saw that it was him vs bakugou next. "you got the worst person to be up against BB!" he shouted

"the fuck did you just call me?" Bakabitch snarled, glaring in their direction. "I said BB, it stands for Blonde Bitch" some people were trying to keep themselves from laughing, while others made no attempt to restrain themselves at all. He watched as Kirishima grabbed him from behind, trying to hold him back. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Killua stuck his tongue out, enjoying every moment of this. Gon snickered. "I'm not even gonna stop you this time, he deserves it" Killua turned to Gon, who was leaning on him now. "you should go to the waiting room, you don't want to be late right?" Gon nodded and bounced off in the direction of the waiting room.

Gon was pumped for his next fight. It was going to be him against the bomber ripoff. Killua had explained how he pretty much got triggered whenever someone spoke to him, so that gave Gon an idea. "NEXT IS, GON VS BAKUGOU!" he bounced to the entrance, putting on a bright smile and waving as he went. There was many shouts of worry and dismay as they saw how innocently excited he was. But that was a part of Gon's plan. It would greatly anger bakugou that someone as cute and 'harmless' as him could beat him at the first two stages of the sports festival. And sure enough when he came out, he had an enraged expression. This is gonna be so fun.

"BEGIN!" of course bakugou made the first move, coming at him with a medium sized explosion. He noticed how he was keeping his distance slightly. Is he actually wary of me? Well I mean Killua is stronger than him and he knows it. Gon activated Zetsu and used the smoke to his advantage, zipping behind him and tapping him on the shoulder. "missed me!" the furious blonde let out a yell and let off another explosion, which he jumped over and ruffled his hair a little before bouncing away. "YOU LITTLE SHIT" Bakugou let out another explosion, this one launched him in Gon's direction. He gave him an 'innocent' smile and bounced a bit on the balls of his feet. "aren't you having fun?"

Katsuki was furious and this little green bean looking child. He just couldn't get close enough! And he even tried to pet him while he was dodging his attack! "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" he tried to get close but Gon just sidestepped, with his cute as all fucking hell smile. "aren't you having fun?" fun? This is fun? He couldn't believe that this kid who was like 13 or something, was dodging his attacks like it was nothing. And it was fun to him! I don't know his strength, maybe he's off the charts like that albino freak. He thought of ways to make the little bitch get serious, then got an idea. What if I call out his best friend? They care about each other way too much. Katsuki grinned sadistically, waiting for the right moment. "your best friend's a monster" he snarled, and as soon as he saw the look on Gon's face he knew he fucked up. Oh shit-

The smile was gone and the bright light in his eyes was now dull. He watched as Gon slammed his fists into the ground, creating a huge pile of rubble. The fuck is he doi- he dodged to the left as Gon started to throw big chunks of rock at him. "you fucked up by talking shit about Killua" suddenly he seemed to space out. Opening. He rushed forwards with both hands planning to explode his face when Gon's arms came up and he latched onto those instead, letting out 3 medium sized explosions. "got you now bi- WHAT THE HELL?" as the smoke cleared he saw Gon standing there motionless, his hands were now wrapped around his wrists. No reaction? He should be writhing in pain right now! Then Gon hurled him over his shoulder, slamming him into the ground.

1600 words

To be continued...

ive been wanting to do this fight for a while, also i created another story that i will 100% post within this week. it's about Killua waking up in the mha world as a neko. i kind of read someone's story about Killua being a neko going to U.A and i thought it was an awesome idea so i here we are with another story! if you have any name idea please let me know! (the one i got so far is, Killu-Nya~ meets MHA) Cya~ ;3

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