{'.~Chapter 14~.'}

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Killua's next match was him and Todoroki. He had won his last match by a simple chop to the neck, and Gon had won his last match with a simple push. This brought back memories of heavens arena and he smiled softly. The good old times were we had no worries. He felt arms around his waist and he blushed slightly as Gon put his head on his shoulder. "Gon why are you in the waiting room?" he let go and went to Killua's front, then reached up and kissed his cheek. "nobody else is here so I can get you to show me affection~" oh, he wants to kiss. Well Killua hadn't had a boyfriend before but he thought it was only natural, boyfriends kiss all the time right? Isn't that what couples did? He dragged Gon over to a chair and sat him down on his lap, with Gon facing him and his arms on his shoulders. "can i-?" Gon asked, and Killua nodded.

Gon leaned forward and rested his lips on Killua's softly. He placed his hands on Gon's waist and moved him closer, which Gon responded to by deepening the kiss a little and running his hands through Killua's hair. We have a few minutes until the match starts, I hope they drag the fight out a bit so I can enjoy this. Gon squeaked a little as he bit his lip. Killua felt his tongue slip in Gon's mouth and he was about to pull back because it was an accident and he didn't know if Gon was okay with it, when Gon held his head in place, actually pulling him in more. Oh he likes that? He wasn't exactly an expert on this type of stuff but if Gon liked it, then he would do it more.

"Mmf" Killua's hands trailed from his hips to his back and then they rested there for a few seconds before wandering back down again. They pulled away to breath and he flushed slightly as saliva dripped down his face. Gon was breathing heavy so he went for another kiss, this time on his neck. "Ahmh~" Killua felt him shiver in delight at his touch. I love it when he does that. Gon's hands dropped from his hair to his shoulders, resting there for a minute as Killua kept kissing his sensitive spot. Gon's hands reached back up to his head, pushing him back slightly. Does he want to stop? But it's only been 4 minutes! Killua would internally complain all he liked, but if Gon was done then Killua would listen.

He was surprised when Gon made a move, pulling Killua's head towards him and licking the corner of his mouth. Killua opened it and Gon's tongue entered, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Killua moaned a little when Gon licked the top of his mouth. He blushed furiously, what the hell? That was so embarrassing! Gon pressed Killua's back into the chair as he deepened the kiss, his hands coming back up to clutch the back of his head. Is Gon trying to top me? Killua actually didn't mind it, but he wouldn't let Gon top him every time. He decided that this would be a once in a while thing. Killua was top. Right?

As he was lost in thought Gon suddenly pulled away. Killua's eyes opened and he saw Gon panting, also his face was even redder than his was. "you stopping yet or do you wanna keep going?" he shifted a little, so they didn't have to worry about hitting the table. "keep -huff- going" he complied, leaning forward and kissing him again, Gon let out more cute noises as he slipped his tongue in. why didn't I ask Gon sooner? I could have had this every day! But he knew that wasn't true. Killua would never of had the courage to confront gon like that without prompting from Mei. I'll have to thank her later. Gon pressed forward trying to get more, so Killua copied him. Would never have thought that Gon would be like this when it comes to kissing. They kissed for a few more minutes before Gon had to pull back again.

He was panting even harder than he was before, but he was smiling happily. "he-", "TOKOYAMI WINS!" Killua sighed, getting out of the chair and Gon did too. "aw man!" Killua sighed, "sorry, I have to go now" damn loud ass bitch ruined the moment. Gon's expression turned into a sly grin. "if you can win the next match within 5 minutes I'll make sure to destroy the stage and wait with you in the waiting room~" he smiled back, then brought Gon in for a short kiss. "deal, see ya soon!" he put up his passive expression and his 'I don't give a fuck' pose as he walked out, Todoroki looked kind of depressed. Usually he's emotionless, wonder what happened. But Killua didn't really care, he just wanted to beat the shit out of Todoroki quickly so he could get to kiss Gon like that again. Todoroki seemed to see the different expression on his face because his depression turned into slightly uncomfortable.

"BEGIN!" Todoroki tried one of those huge ice attacks and Killua let it come, there were gasps from the crowd as he kicked his way out, hands in his pockets and still looking apathetic. "is that all you got?" Killua could probably do the same neck chop but he wanted to try to get Todoroki to use his fire. For some reason he never used it and it pissed him off, if you have power why not use it? What better way to get someone to push their limits than to put them against him. But Killua only had a 4 minute timeframe to push the candycane, he wasn't going to risk his deal just because he wanted someone to learn. Todoroki sent wave after wave of ice at him, to which he just kicked and kept walking forward. "if you want to top me you gotta use everything you got"

Todoroki knew he was trying to get him to use his fire and he shook his head, "I will not use my father's power" the fuck? That mindset was bullshit so he expressed his feelings. "that's a load of bullshit. You were born with your power." Todoroki still looked skeptical, "I know you hate your dad but, I hate my brother as much as you hate him and I still use the techniques he taught me" he grinned. "use that power and surpass him, then beat his ass one day. That's what I plan to do with my brother" if I can, although I can't see that happening anytime soon. At those words something seemed to register in his brain. Todoroki started to come at him with both his fire and his ice. Bingo! He only had a minute and a half left before he had to get serious so he stalled as long as he could to get Todoroki to gain his confidence.

As soon as the 4 minutes were up he shifted modes, activating Zetsu after a blast of fire and appearing behind him with his hand out. "I made a deal so I'm very sorry, maybe I'll flip off your dad sometime as an apology " then he brought his hand down and Todoroki collapsed. Killua actually felt proud of himself for helping Todoroki work out some shit with his power. Now he owes me more candy~ Killua thought back to Gon and blushed slightly as he had a strange thought. He pushed down his emotions and hauled his opponent off the stage for the 3rd time, before dropping him and heading for the exit.

Killua watched Gon's fight and he completely wrecked the entire ground. Well he did say he would destroy it. And the thing was, Gon cracked every inch of the stage so it would have to be completely cleared away before they could start to rebuild it. He's serious about buying us time. Killua felt a blush crawl up his cheeks as he thought about it. Does he want to make out for a solid 30 minutes? Killua wasn't sure how he felt about that. On one hand he loved kissing Gon and wanted as much time to do so as he could, but on the other hand, why would Gon stall for that much time unless he had something planned? Killua had no clue what that plan would be, but he was kind of nervous to find out.

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To be continued...

I decided to post early on this one because I posted late earlier today. also to celebrate so many views! 

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