{'.~Chapter 26~.'}

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Gon sobbed into his shoulder, so he picked him up and made his way slowly over to them. He could barely use his left leg because the cut was so deep it cut through some of his muscles and made a little dent in the bone. Damn, that guy was tough. He pushed down the pain as he walked over, leaving a trail of blood behind him. Izuku and Iida were struggling to get up and Todoroki put a hand on his shoulder. "how the hell can you still walk with wounds like that?" he grinned, "I was trained to endure torture, this pain is nothing" that wasn't true, it still hurt and he was probably going to pass out of blood loss soon. Gon was crying, but uninjured for the most part. His vision was starting to blur around the edges a bit but he refused to fall, not until the others were safe. "someone go get Stain, I'll carry someone" Todoroki nodded and brushed past him, the other person who was there was up but frozen, just staring at him in shock.

"h-h-ow are you-" he clenched his teeth and tried to keep himself upright. "doesn't matter, carry one of them" he pointed to Iida and Izuku. "I can walk" Iida got up and clutched one of his arms, "good" he sighed, Todoroki followed them as they made their way out of the alleyway. "Hey!" they saw a group of pro heroes making their way towards him. "what are you guys doing all the way out here?" one of them gasped and tried to grab Gon from him. "your so injured! Here let me-" Killua snarled at her, unleashing a bit of bloodlust. Gon was still sobbing and clutching him tightly. "help the others first" she backed off and went behind him to the others and gasped in shock. "that's the hero killer!" the other pros ignored him and rushed over to the others, which he was grateful for. He sat down heavily on a bench, his breath starting to get ragged and uneven.

Some time passed and the pros called the police and an ambulance. He had activated Zetsu so he wouldn't be noticed right away. "Gon" he whispered. "Gon look at me" Gon lifted his head up and he smiled softly. "don't be sad, I'll be alright" Gon didn't move or make any sound so he pulled his head forward and gave him a kiss, Gon stopped crying and kissed him back, which made him happy. It won't be long until I pass out, I hope Gon doesn't blame himself. Gon and him kissed for a minute, until the edges of his vision started to darken. He pulled back, breathing hard. "Gon, I'm not sure how much longer I can stay awake" he couldn't move his legs anymore, and his arms were starting to grow weak. Gon ruffled his hair, "sleep, I'll take care of you" and so he closed his eyes, letting himself drift into unconsciousness.

Gon glanced up and saw that a few pro heroes were watching. He slid off Killua's lap and lifted him up, not caring that his clothes were soaked with blood. "hey kid, we need to take him to the hospital" a woman grabbed his arm and was about to take Killua. No, I promised! He slapped the hand away and gave her a glare. "Killua doesn't like hospitals. I'm taking him with me!" the hero sighed in frustration. "listen kid, if you don't get him help he'll die" he fidgeted. "but when he wakes up he'll probably freak out and try to hurt anyone who touches him" the hero put a hand on his shoulder. "how about this, you can come with him to the hospital and stay in the room with him." Gon nodded, "ok" he followed the hero into the ambulance and set Killua down on the bed. "please be okay Killua"

Killua woke up in a hospital bed and was very sore. "Killua!" he was tackled by a very excited Gon and fell back onto the bed. "oh hey gon" he pushed Gon off him and sat up, glancing around the room. Iida, Todoroki, and Izuku were already awake and talking to each other. He got up and noticed he was shirtless for some reason. "is there any reason why I don't have a shirt?" Gon giggled. "you got stabbed a few times, one was on your back so they couldn't leave it on" he narrowed his eyes at him. "why are you so damn happy? I nearly died" Gon snorted, "you were fine!" the others looked over at them. "now remember the last time you nearly died?" he thought back to the Chimera ants and Ikalgo. "I'm pretty sure I was used as a human dartboard, this hurt a lot less" Gon nodded, "exactly! And you healed in a matter of days!" wait, he's right.

Killua slid off the bed and bent his legs a little, sure enough his leg was just fine. "how the hell are you completely healed already?" Todoroki said. "you had the worst injuries and were treated last" Killua shrugged, "dunno, this idiot heals fast too" he flicked Gon between the eyes and he tackled him to the ground. "I'm gonna get you for that!" Killua chuckled, "I'm stronger than you in most ways, how could you possibly-" suddenly Gon shoved his tongue in his mouth and he blushed furiously, there's people here! He shoved Gon off him and turned away with his face in his hands. "Gon! There's people here Baaka!" Gon giggled and ruffled his hair. "well too bad" he uncovered his face and groaned. "you know what, fuck it" he yanked Gon towards him and kissed him roughly, causing Gon to let out a squeak of surprise. If Gon wanted to play that game, then he would too.

Gon was taken by surprise when Killua made a move in front of three people. Killua's hand wrapped around his arms and he flushed, is he getting serious? Gon tilted his head to the side, letting out muffled noises of delight as Killua stole his breath from him. Gon was running out of breath so he pulled away a little, and Killua did too. "holy shit I just did that in front of like three people" he blushed furiously and turned away. Gon started to laugh. "what happened to 'not acting like a couple in public' " he teased. "oh shut up, you kissed me first" he dodged as Killua threw a pillow at him. Gon giggled and tossed it back, hitting him in the face. "Baaka!" they ran around the room tossing pillows around, when the door opened. "what the hell are you two doing?" they glanced up to see a short old man with a black mask on and Manual looking at them from the doorway. "a pillow fight?" he leapt up and smacked Gon with the pillow when he wasn't looking. "hey!"

He snickered and tackled him, pinning him to the ground with a single hand on his chest. "o-ok that's enough!" Manual spoke up, and both Killua and Gon sat up and looked at them. "first of all, how are you completely healed?" Killua shrugged, "I've always been a fast healer, Gon is too actually" he nodded. "yeah, one time I broke like, I dunno a whole ton of bones-" Killua snorted. "you broke three bones and got twenty fractures because you wanted to 'train' " Gon rubbed his head. "well I guess, but anyways it was supposed to take four months to heal but I was fine in one" Gon poked Killua's shoulder, "Killua was used as a human dart board and healed in a matter of days, honestly I think his wounds weren't that bad" Killua grinned. "damn right, I could've beaten a few people in that state if I wanted to" he frowned slightly. "anyways-" the old man interrupted him, "enough chatting, someone wants to speak with you"

A humanoid dog walked in the room and Killua tried to smother his laughter. Gon gaped at him and jumped up, running over to him. "woah! You're a dog person! That's so cool!" he grabbed Gon's arm and dragged him back over to the bed. "Baaka! Look at his uniform, he seems to be someone important" the dog gave a speech on why what they did was Illegal and he expressed his feelings. "That's bullshit" Gon gave him a look. "wait, that sounds a lot like a hunters license-" Killua snorted, "yeah, no." he ruffled Gon's hair. "this is pretty much a permit to use your powers to injure people, with a hunters license you can literally get away with murder"

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To be continued...

4, what type of dere do you think Killua is?

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