{'.~Chapter 25~.'}

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Gon saw a building fall and ran in that direction, if anyone was trapped under there they would need serious help. "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" that was Killua's voice! Gon picked up the speed and saw that Killua had a child in his arms and was holding the building up by himself with his shoulders. Some pink bubbles were stuck to it and there was a group of children trying to make their way out. Suddenly a part of the building broke off and was hurtling in the direction of the kids. "WATCH OUT!" he bolted forward and caught it, before tossing it aside. "Killua!" he ran over and retrieved the child, before going back to the others were. Killua didn't answer, but he was too busy trying to keep a building from collapsing so he didn't blame him. "don't worry guys, my friend is gonna keep the building up. Just stay calm and go forward." he nudged a few of the slow ones along until they were clear. "KILLUA, WE'RE CLEAR!" the building fell and there were gasps of horror from the kids.

He just stayed calm and smiled, "he's fine, go get help" a few moments later there was a crash as Killua smashed through a wall, he had blood all over him right now and some was splattered on his face. "Gon!" he walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing two kids and following the older one. "come on!" he caught on and carried two more, a third was riding on his back. Since the slow kids were now off the ground they could pick up the pace on the way to the safe point. "Ne Killua, never thought you'd actually save someone" he shot Gon a glare. "their children Gon!" he smiled brightly. "you do care about others sometimes!" he frowned. "if it was an adult I might not have helped to be honest, I'm not trained to care about casualties" he kicked Killua because that was what he could do right now. "but you're fighting your training! That's good!" Killua sighed, then picked up the pace. "you're so happy, the cities' on fire" Gon giggled, "this is so much more fun than training, I can't wait to save more people!"

Killua and Gon dropped the kids off and was about to go find more Nomus to kill when the teenager grabbed his shoulder. "wait, what's your name?" he glanced back once, "NO.99" then he dashed off with Gon, he got a sudden ring from his phone and opened it. "Izuku sent his location" Gon gasped, "he went to go find Iida! Maybe he's in trouble!" they made their way around buildings, but their progress was slowed by random people who were in danger. It took them a whole 5 minutes to reach the alleyway. When they got there Killua's bloodlust spiked, Iida, Izuku, and another person were on the ground, Todoroki was about to get his arm cut off. He appeared in front of the hero killer and caught the blade, projecting all his bloodlust at him. "you fucked with the wrong people"

The hero killer leapt backwards and drew another blade, then looked into his eyes. "your eyes tell me you've killed more than I have" he said, narrowing his eyes. "I'm not afraid to add another name to my list" he glanced at his costume, "what's someone like you doing in a hero costume?" he chuckled slightly. "what's someone with intentions as noble as you killing people" the hero killer paused, then changed his stance slightly. "you agree with my principals?" Killua actually got where he was going on this, people who were assholes didn't deserve to have the title hero. "Assholes like Endeavor aren't heroes for saving people, they don't deserve the title" he narrowed his eyes. "however, I wouldn't kill him for that reason alone." Gon came up behind him. "I've seen heroes turn a blind eye to people in danger when it puts their life at risk, that's unacceptable"

Gon pointed at the hero killer, "but what you do isn't right either, even Killua who was raised to kill people is a better person then you" the hero killer scoffed. "he said he wasn't afraid to kill me, that makes him unworthy of living" Gon slammed his fist into a wall, causing him to jump a little. "Killua's my best friend! He doesn't like killing people! he was forced to!" Killua could hear the rage in his tone and felt a little uneasy. I hope he doesn't try to go rage mode on him. "a hero is someone who does the right thing without fail, even if it puts their life in danger" he grabbed the dagger and hurled it in the hero killer's direction, it buried itself in his arm before he had the time to react. "Killua! your yoyos!" he slipped them out of his pockets and tossed one to Gon, who swung it around in an arc in an attempt to trap him.

The hero killer kept jumping and dodging, Gon wouldn't be able to hit him. A hero does the right thing, even if it puts himself in danger. Killua darted forward and grabbed him, holding him down. He felt a searing pain as he used one of his blades to slice open his leg but he refused to let go. "GON NOW!" he would keep him in place as long as he could, anything he did would help. He felt one of the yoyo strings wrap around him and he let out a yell of pain as the hero killer stabbed him again. No! I refuse to kill him, Gon's right, a hero wouldn't do that! Killua reached for his taser and zapped himself, before unleashing a wave of electricity on him. The yoyo's strings also were threaded with metal so the electric current zapped both of them. He gritted his teeth and kept pumping out electricity until the hero killer stopped moving.

Gon watched as Killua ran forward, then to his surprise he tackled him. Killua would have injured him usually, did he take my words to heart? As much as he was happy Killua decided not to kill him, now was not the right time for a shift in morals. "GON NOW!" he yelled, and he threw the yoyo outwards, wrapping it tightly around Killua and the hero killer. He let out a yell and Gon flinched, watching as Killua unleashed a huge surge of electricity on him. "KILLUA!" the hero killer was out cold and he ran over, unwrapping the string. Killua got up but he was wobbling a little, to his horror Killua's leg was cut so deeply it exposed the bone. Tears started to roll down his face and Killua wrapped his arms around him. "Gon, i-" he shoved Killua away a little, not too hard because he was injured. "You're an idiot!" he yelled, and he started to sob. "You could've just killed him, or aimed for vitals, or something! Why did you do that!" Killua smiled softly, making him pause his wailing. "something you said just, made me realize what I was doing wrong" he ruffled his hair. "a hero is someone who does the right thing, even if it puts their own life in danger"

1219 words

To be continued...

3, what would Killua do if Gon was kidnapped.

A.  go yandre mode and kill everyone who touched him.

B.  screw with their heads then kill them.

C. leave scars, but no killing because they deserved to suffer.

D.  let Gon escape on his own, he's strong.

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