Ian built his studio in the loft of the barn. Closed it in, made it awesome. And below, there lived two horses, two cows, and a few chickens roaming around. Janel loved to wake up early and go feed and pet them all. Even the chickens. The ones that would let her, that is. They made sure they had one animal of each sex, so they could "be married". They loved romantical stuff in all aspects of life.

Inside the house, were two dogs. Yes, one male, one female. Only they were spayed and neutered. So no babies for them.

As for babies, after a year of being married, Janel got pregnant. They tried only one time, and it worked. Their son was born, a healthy, happy kid, who Ian and Janel made sure had music in his life all the time. Two years later, Janel was pregnant again, and had a girl. A healthy, happy kid, who Ian and Janel made sure had music all the time, also. Their son had dark red hair. Their daughter was mostly brunette, but with natural red highlights.

They were a close family. And had close friends. And celebrities would come and make music in the loft studio all the time and stay in the guest house. The kids were always in the studio, learning. And soon, both kids picked up the guitar, started singing, and their daughter played piano.

When tour time would come around, which was once every few years for maybe 6 months or so, it would be a family affair. Hired tutors would come along, and the kids would learn geography and culture in every city and country they toured through.

Ian and Janel lived to see their 5 grandkids grow into adulthood, and Ian taught them as much music as his fingers could muster up out of the guitar at his old age. Janel taught them about love. How to accept everyone, and how to see people and watch people and know who was genuine and who wasn't. And she taught them how to milk the cows, and ride the horses. And she hugged and touched them ALL the time. Just to make sure. :)

Ian died at age 97. He knew it was coming. He could "feel it", he told Janel one night. They called their kids, and told them, and everyone made it to the farmhouse (they had maids and nurses and farmhands keeping up the place. They refused to ever leave it. They insisted on dying there.)

Before bed, Ian took the horseshoe off the wall in the mudroom, where it had hung, non stop, since they were 23. He brought it to bed with him and put it between their pillows. When Janel got into bed, she saw it, and smiled, her eyes flickering with tears.

Having sang his last song, and played his final notes on his guitar, and having relived his family memories with his kids, and grandkids, and said his goodbyes to everyone, Ian asked everyone to leave them alone and let them sleep. And then, he told Janel to go to the closet with the secret tunnel in it and bring him an old bag that was inside it.

She came back, and he struggled to get up, and pulled something out of the bag.

It was a comforter. He asked her to spread it out with him on the bed. Together they spread it out, and she took one look at it, and her eyes filled with tears. There, on the blanket, was an ancient browned stain. It was Janel's virginity. She had thought they'd threw it out long long ago. But Ian kept it, in the secret tunnel. He protected it all these years. Just as he had protected her virginity that whole first year of being with Janel. They layed on it together, and talked about that first year. Talked about meeting eachother, and their crazy sex without having sex. And her attatchment to his soothing voice in his music. And her learning to be normal. And touching for the first time. And his many tears at her accomplishments and bravery back then. They talked about their first time together in this house...in this bedroom. Watching the sunset out of the loft, and how it used to be open air. And how it used to be a studio, and now it was remnants of a studio. They talked about their lives together. They talked about their babies being born. Raising them. Watching them grow. Watching them have babies of their own. Watching Bonnie and Stanley die eventually, years ago. Going through Ian's parent's deaths. And just 2 years ago, his brother Max's death, and a year later, Max's wife. Max's kids were here at the house this night, also.

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