Chapter 29

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I woke up first. She had covered herself in her sleep. It was chilly in here. It must have been 2am or something. I didn't know. Our phones were downstairs. I shuddered to think of all the calls, texts, emails, and social media crap I've missed in the past 18 hours.
But...I just didn't care right now. I was next to the love of my life, who I'd just made love to for the first time. And I did NOT feel guilty! THIS was exciting news to myself.
Images of our first ever love making flashed through my head. Her tears scared me a little, but I knew she wouldn't want to stop, so I kept going. It was probably just a girl thing it up for the first time. It must be an emotional thing. Which is the whole reason I made her wait.
It's not like that for a guy, usually. It's more of a......conquest. Like, YAY! Stuck my dick in a girl! Woot! Except for this time. It was totally an emotional thing for me too.
This.....making love to Janel....this had been really special. A few times I had to force back the tears that wanted to come out. And when I first got inside of her, I
I just didn't want anything to be about me for her first time. I didn't want to ruin anything. I had felt like I was losing my struggle to keep myself contained. I almost lost it a few times. When I first got in, and looked at her and she gasped in shock when it happened, yet she looked like she was in pure bliss at the same time...I realized, holy shit...I'm inside of her. I'm in!
And emotion totally overcame me and my entire body started shaking and I couldn't look at her or I'd lose it totally....I think she knew what was going on inside my head. Judging by the look she gave me when I collected myself a few seconds later. And I know she wouldn't have minded me breaking down into an emotional ball of love, but I just didn't want to. For her. Luckily I was a man for once and got back to business.
I was pretty happy she was ready to cum when she did, because she felt so good, and I was so fucking happy to finally be inside of was getting extremely difficult to hold off.
But no, I wasn't rushing her when I told her to let go and cum. I could tell she was already there.
Thank God.

I stared at Janel still sleeping, all cozy in my new bedspread. And then I thought of the blood. I'm sure there was a bloodstain on it somewhere. I'm sure she was sleeping in it.
I wondered how much blood there'd be. I had NO idea. I'd never taken anyone's virginity before.
And then I wondered if there was blood on my dick. It was too dark to try and look.

But my dick liked being picked up, especially knowing I was right next to naked, officially open for sex, Janel. Hmmmm....
Well, first, I decided to light a fire. I could barely see, because the candle had long since burnt down. It was tiny.
So I found my way to the fireplace and got it all ready.
Fuck! I left the matches in the bathroom when I lit the candles earlier.
I felt my way in, and felt around. My hand dipped into the water. Oh, THAT felt good! It was sooooo warm. I wondered how long you were supposed to leave these heaters on.
I found the matches, and another candle, lit that and then went and managed to light a fire, then blew out the candle. Not needed now, after the fire lit up the room nicely.
I loved hearing it crackle. I loved the way the flames made shadows dance on the ceiling and all over the room. I could live here. Heh. Tis' a good thing, since, someday, I will!

I got back in the bed, under the covers this time.
Janel became a little bit conscious, opened her eyes a tiny bit, looked at me, looked at the fire, and climbed overtop of me, and got under the covers with me, and laid her naked body against me with her back facing me. I guess she wanted to be the one closer to the fire. I wondered what the hell she was doing as she sleepily climbed over me.
She was a good spooner. She got right in there...always tucked her but right against me, so there was NO room between us. I loved that. did, you guessed me. Mini woke right up, knowing there was now a vagina open for business, and it was just inches from himself.
I put my arm around Janel and cozied to her, trying to ignore my hard on.

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