Chapter 25

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We spent a normal, calm few days back at Janel's flat. I mean, apartment. I kept forgetting I was back in America. Heh.
We were so sexed out from the UK, that we didn't have any sex in any form the entire time we were back!
Now, it was time to go to L.A.
I had some colabs to do, and a festival or two to do. And I was happy to bring Janel again. I wanted to bring her everywhere I went, from now on, till...forever.
We visited Martin, in the group home kitchen and brought him a souvinier from London, and visited Bonnie of course, and gave her all the things Janel bought her in London. Janel insisted on paying for them all herself. She even bought stuff for Bonnie's kids. And one of the kids' friends, who was practically like Bonnie's third kid these days. None of them had ever been out of the USA, so they were very excited to have something from London and to hear the stories. Janel knew not to give great detail on that party we'd gone to the first night. Or the club party the third night. Heh. I guess she DID know what stuff was embarrassing or not.
She did tell about getting high, though. I bit my lip and slunk in my seat when Bonnie looked over at me with a motherly "mmmmm-hmmmmm" look, as if I was being a bad influence. But then she blinked, thank God. And Janel had waited until the kids weren't around to tell those stories. For the E story, she said she took half a pill, and it made the club lights look really pretty, and made her want to dance a LOT. That's about all she said about that. Thank GOD! Jesus. I was shitting in my pants as she talked, ready to kick her under the coffee table if needed.

Another long ass plane trip, which she was excited about all over again, because this time it would be over land, and she'd get to see the entire United States practically as we flew over. It was a LOT more exciting over land, I knew.
That was a cool flight. She didn't sleep a wink this time, and I made sure she had a window seat.
Just like in London, her eyes were wide and gazing in wonder the entire time. I was sleepy, but her excitement kept me up. I still loved watching her experience stuff for the first time. It made me happy deep deep down into my soul. Her happiness brought me happiness.
Sometimes I wondered what she'd be doing if I'd never met her. Probably sitting in the park, watching people, then trying to collect their body heat when they walked away, wishing she could just connect with humans and have a "real" life. That thought made me shudder. Thank God I met her. For me, yes. But sooo much more, for HER.
She was living a life now that even normal people didn't get to lead. She went from nothing, to everything. I guess in a way, she was STILL not normal. Because I was not normal now. And she's always with me. So her life won't be "normal" with me.
Hmmm...that thought kind of messed with my emotions a little. She'd wanted to be normal for so long...and she got normal, with a little help from me. But now.....she flew right past normal, and to the complete opposite end of the spectrum. I mean, there were probably tabloids in England coming out this week, with her in them with me. That's far from normal, right? And the same happening here in America, was inevitable.
I'd have to ask her what she thought of flying past normal, and back to a new abnormal.
I think she wouldn't care if I was just as abnormal as she was 5 years ago...just as long as she could be with me. Honestly, I think that's what she would pick. I can always feel her love for me. Always.

Landing in LA was more hectic than in London almost. Way more people. And even other celebs walking around, trying not to be noticed. But knowing the look and the walk, I could spot them easily.
Some waved to me, some didn't.
We met Stanley here at the airport, with a black SUV waiting for us. He had taken another day or two in England, and hadn't gone back with us.
But here he now was.

We went to our hotel right away, and I had to go for soundcheck right away, so Janel hung out with Stanley as he did all his important business. And then she watched soundcheck as intensely as a drooling fan would. I noticed her watching my fingers. I had forgotten how she had learned those few guitar chords and showed me at my parent's house that night. Totally had forgotten that. Well, we WERE high...

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