Chapter 23

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I woke up to something wet and splattery being tossed at my face. I opened my eyes and it took a while to see out of them clearly, and then there was Mark and Andrew tossing scrambled eggs at my face.
Lovely. Love my friends. They're the best. <3
Assholes. Lol. I told them they were.

I tried catching them in my mouth. Got some! Pretty tasty. This motivated me to get out of bed. Well, that and my morning pee boner. I looked over at Janel, still asleep crunched up against the wall. Hehehe....oopsie. Drunken bed hog here. I've done that many times to women.

I didn't know if I should wake her or not. So when the guys got bored of playing baskeggball with my face, I got up and went to the bathroom.
I tried to remember last night's events.
And I could. That's always a good sign. It's been sooo long since I've partied like that. I missed my friends.

I went back to check on Janel before I went down to join whoever was awake in the kitchen making yummy food. I was gonna leave her sleep but her eyes were open.
"Morning love! How you feeling?" I asked her cheerfully.
"Echhhhh." was her response.
"So I take it not so good then, eh?" I laughed.
I layed on the bed again and leaned on my hand to face her.
"So........last night?? What did you think? I told you my friends were crazy fuckers.
That's why I didn't want to go to the party without you. Because if that stuff happened and you weren't with me, I would have had to go to bed or leave." I told Janel.
"Why???" she asked.
"Because!! Being naked with other women...KISSING other women...even other men, would be cheating on you if you weren't with me!" I informed her of the rules of relationships.
Janel thought for a second or two.
"Ohhhhhhh.....right. Yeah. I guess I would have been pretty sad if you did those things without me. Even with me there, I still felt sorta...weird...I guess jealous, seeing you kiss other girls."
"Babe! You should have said something to me right away!! Remember, never keep anything from me?!? I wouldn't have done any of that if it bothered you. You just seemed to be having fun, so...."
Janel cut me off, "No no no!! I wasn't mad or anything! I just felt a weird feeling sometimes. But I knew it would be ok and that you wouldn't do anything that would hurt us, so it didn't bother me much. Besides...I had already kissed Mark and Andrew and you didn't get mad. So I thought it was all ok. But I admit I was REALLY confused!!"

I laughed. "Yeah. I could see the confusion on your face.
Babe, this is how people our age party these days. So I wanted to give you the chance to party for real. I thought hard with every activity that started last night, making sure there was nothing bad that could come of it or hurt you...or us.
And, you should have kissed LOTS of guys in your life by now, so I figured I'd let you have your fun while you could. But I DO know that feeling of jealousy you felt. I felt it too, everytime you kissed those guys.
But it was small. And I liked seeing you have experiences and fun more than I felt jealous. was actually kinda hot watching you kiss them. You seemed to respond well. You seemed to like it just fine! Well, not Mike. You sure screwed him over!!" I told her, then I gave her a high five. "You truly were great last night Janel. You were perfect. And it looks like you had a GREAT time. The girls like you, I can tell. And you just kept suprising me over and over again."
"I did have a good time. It was all so much fun. I never's funny, the more I catch up on in life, the sadder I get knowing I missed it all this time. But I wanna do EVERYTHING I possibly can. And, I want to go to more parties with you. I loved hanging with the girls. Having a science talk with Andrew. Skinny dipping. Spin the bottle. Dancing. Laughing. Being plain silly. Sleeping in a strange place in a strange country with you..." she laughed at the last part.
"I will take you to all the parties I possibly can, babe. And if there aren't any to go to, I'll have them myself. Just for you." I told her.
"Wanna come downstairs? They made breakfast...not that there's any left, because they threw it all at my face to wake me up." I offered Janel.
"Ok. Lemme just wake up a little more. I'm soooo tired...and sorta dizzy." Janel said.
"Ok...see you down there soon? If not, I WILL come check on you...and possibly toss eggs at YOU!" I threatened.

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