Chapter 17

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*Knock knock knock*
Janel and I looked at eachother in shock.
I think we had forgotten there was an outside world. For us, there had been an entire day of
Not that that's a bad thing.....I just hadn't....been ready for that yet with her.
And now, after coming down from my extraordinarily fucking FANTASTIC orgasm, my guilt was starting to set in.
What had I done?

*Knock knock KNOCK* the sound brought me back into reality again. Janel started to get up off the bathroom floor. So I did too.
I checked my shorts, and they were pretty clean. Oh. Right. Because the mess is right THERE. I looked over at the toilet tank. My cum was leaking down, dripping onto the back of the toilet bowl behind the seat. Ew. It's messy being a man.
I wiped my face of sweat, and I got a whiff of Janel's pussy juices on my fingers.
The guilt pang was stronger this time.
I looked around the room and tried to come back into reality, and remember everything we'd done. In the bathroom. In the living room on the couch....I just stood there, looking around, catching whiffs of my fingers, and everything I saw and smelled made me feel more and more guilty.
WHY couldn't I just enjoy sex with Janel and not feel this shitty after?
She's not a child, for fuck's sake! I'm doing nothing wrong! So, what is my problem??
I felt near tears.
I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned up my mess. Thank god I didn't cum on Janel.
I'd feel even WORSE if I'd have done that.
It's just....too.....demeaning for her. For now, anyway.
Even though she doesn't seem to think so. She's a fucking sex fiend, I'm discovering!
One fucking kiss, and we spend the entire day mutually masturbating eachother in whatever ways we can think of.
I looked out the bathroom door, to the living room window. The sun was fucking setting already!
Holy day of sex, Batman.
Well, we had woken up pretty late from watching movies late the night before. So we'd probably woken up at noon or so. We did that a lot. Night time was our favorite time.

I washed my hands, and I heard Janel answering the door. Hopefully she had changed her shorts. They were still stained from earlier on the couch.
When I shut off the water, I heard Bonnie's voice.
I checked myself in the mirror and got a quick drink from the faucett. Flattened my hair a little, especially in the back, where a certain someone had fisted it into horns, practically, as she nearly pulled it out of my head in the midst of her huge, extended orgasm. Seriously. It seemed to go on longer than any woman's orgasm I'd ever seen. It must have wiped her OUT. I'm suprised she had the energy to jerk me......ahhh fuck.
Tears welled up in my eyes. Why was I so bothered? Her innocence. Her pure fucking innocence. THAT'S what bothered me. She was just so fucking....innocent. Like a little girl. Only, in a woman's body. THAT is what I can't handle about her. That, and the fact that she's never had a relationship before. So she should take things slow. Get used to them first, before moving right into an adult relationship full of complications. Right?? I mean, her first ever kiss was just a few HOURS ago!

I collected myself, checked the bathroom for evidence, and walked out. I felt guilty even looking Bonnie in the eye. She was the closest thing Janel had to a mom, and I had just stuck my dick in her "daughter's" mouth. My dick being the first EVER dick in her mouth, to make matters worse.
I absolutely hated myself right now.
I walked into the living room and was relieved that Janel had changed her pajama shorts into real shorts and a thicker tank top. I should have probably put a shirt on before I came out, but I could barely think.

I looked up at Bonnie, and she looked over at me.
"Ian! Hi honey! I was just telling Janel I came to drop off a few groceries. It was a good excuse to come visit. I was bored, and thinking of you guys. The kids are away at friends' houses, and......Ian? Are you ok dear?" she stopped her story. Shit. She noticed the guilt on my face. She noticed that I couldn't quite look at her. Or maybe she noticed the tears that were fighting to take over in my eyes.
"Ian?" she walked over to me quickly, putting her purse down on the way.
Janel looked at me, and her mouth dropped open. She took the grocery bags, and rushed into the kitchen silently. Fuck. Fucking GREAT. Now I scared her. She's probably scared shitless right now, wondering what's wrong with me. Thinking I'm pissed off at her for what happened.
But I'm NOT pissed at her. I'm really not.
I'm pissed at my fucking self. I have no fucking self control. I'm suprised I didn't just fuck her right there up against the bathroom wall. What stopped me? I don't even know. I know I pictured that exact scenario as I rushed in and grabbed her and kissed her. That's exactly what I pictured doing. Even though I knew I wasn't going to.....

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