Chapter 24

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The next morning, my mum had breakfast ready and woke us up, not knowing how late we'd stayed up the night before. It was the best breakfast ever, as it always is when she cooks. My dad cleaned up, and Janel tried to help with cleanup, but he insisted that NEXT time she could help. For now, she was still a first time guest. So we sat outside soaking in the morning sun and cool breeze watching my mom pick veggies from her garden.
I strummed my guitar.
My dad came out and joined us soon after, with a paper to read. I made fun of him for still reading an actual newspaper. Who does that anymore? You can read all the news and more, online now. On your phone, even. He said old habits die hard. He likes the feel of a newspaper.
Later, it was time to go back to London. I had decided to take Janel sight seeing to all of the popular tourist attractions. I found an old hat in my old room, and a mirrored pair of sunglasses, that would be good for hiding my identity. I came downstairs with them on before we left, and Janel started laughing at me. She said I didn't even look like me. PERFECT.

When we got back to our hotel in London, we took turn taking showers again. Janel told me I could get in with her for once, "like they did in the St. Elmo's Fire movie" as she put it. I told her we'd do that AFTER we made love. It's another spot where....temptation could happen easily, so I didn't want to try it. Plus, I kind of liked NOT doing everything possible with her yet. Taking our time. Having stuff to anticipate....I liked that. I think she did, too, from the smirk she gave me.

I put on my master disquise, and we took off on foot, so I could show her around London.
I did get figured out a few times, and at one point, as we came out of a restaurant for lunch, there was a rather big crowd that ended up forming for a few minutes there. I did the customary selfies, autographs, and small talk with the crowd, and again, half of them were just there because they saw a crowd and wanted to check it out. The restaurant manager saw the crowd and managed to stop it from getting bigger. I acted like "sorry guys" to the crowd, but I was secretly thankful. I called the restaurant a few minutes later, to talk to the manager, and thank him. It was a place I really didn't go very often, so he didn't really know me. He knew I was famous, but he didn't have to do that.
We had a GREAT time all day, and watched the sunset over the Thames from a spot I knew had a good view. And at night, we explored London even more. I stopped in a places where I knew the pub owner or where a friend worked, and we had a drink or two. And our dinner ended up being free from an old friend who bought the pub I played in a lot in my struggling years. I had no idea he'd actually done it. So I was very excited for him. We exchanged numbers and I told him he'll have tickets waiting for him and his girlfriend next time I play nearby.
Walking around London, holding hands, looking at the sights, was wonderful with Janel. She was the most appreciative tourist I'd ever seen. Her eyes were wide with wonder the entire day. She never tired. She never complained. She never wanted to stop. She loved reading the history plaques of places she'd only heard about in school. We took a million selfies throughout the day. Life couldn't get more perfect than on this day.

Then we got all ready for the club party. We didn't really have to change much. Janel wore her hair down for once and we brushed our teeth again. That's about it.
The taxi took us to the party spot and we snuck in unnoticed.
I spotted my friends right away. They sort of flocked together all the time. There were plenty of other people here though. It seemed like a good night ahead. I got Janel and I a drink and Michelle too. I had to do something for her help the other night.
Michelle, Brian, Mark, Andrew and Aggie were all here again. No one told Mikey abot the party because he'd ruin it somehow. Yay!!
We all sat at a table laughing about the other night and about nights long ago and they told some embarrassing stories
to Janel about me. They loved doing that. Then somehow my breakup with Anna got brought up and everyone sort of got quiet. Janel knew it was a sore subject. I'd told her all about the whole thing. So she knew I went through hell. She wondered how I could love HER, if I was so heartbroken over Anna. I told her it was years ago and Janel puts a whole new dimension to love that I'd never felt before. And she does. I look back at my sorrow for Anna and wonder how it was so painful, now that I know Janel. Live and learn I guess.
So Janel ended up saving the conversation right then. She asked everyone at the table, "Who wants to dance with me?"
Everyone lit up again. Nice one Janel!
We all had had two rounds of drinks by then, so we were ready for action.
Aggie got up and drug Janel to the dance floor. Before she got dragged away, she looked at me and winked. I mouthed "thank you" to her and she was off.
Michelle and Brian got up too.
Mark, Andrew and I decided to be boring at keep drinking.
I pulled my seat around so I could watch everyone on the dance floor, and I ordered another round for us three. My friend Stephen, who hosted the party came over, and sat with us for a while too, catching up.

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