Chapter 21

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We had just landed in England. I had never been on a plane before. I'd never been ANYWHERE before, actually. So this was all crazy for me. I was loving it though. The ride was soooo beautiful over the Atlantic. I never knew...
Flying was a huge deal, though. I never knew that, either. I thought you just gave a ticket, and got on. Nope. There were counters to go to and people to see, and paperwork to show and blah blah blah....Ian helped me with all of that. He knew exactly what he was doing, obviously.
I could finally go places with Ian now, outside of the country. I had a passport now, and I was all cleared by my case worker. I'd never have to wait and miss him again, I hoped. This was so exciting, leaving the country. Traveling. Going on a plane.....

I wasn't sure if I was going to meet Ian's family this trip or not. They were away, and weren't sure if they'd make it back on time or not. But I'd get to see Ian's house where he grew up, at least. I was excited for that. To see someone's actual home. Where they lived for a long time. Grew up. Loved. Cried. Everything. The only other house I'd seen was Bonnie's house, but that was just a small tiny house that she rents, after she got divorced. It was all she could afford. It was nice inside, but it wasn't like a cherished memory type of place.

People kept recognizing Ian at the airports, even though he had a hoodie hood up and sunglasses. And then when someone would recognize him, more people would see, and come over, even if they didn't know who he was, just to see someone famous. He told me that's how it goes all the time. It's always the same. He said he can tell the people who are actual fans, from the people who are just looking for an autograph to sell, or an exciting "look who I met" Facebook photo for the day.
He said it gets annoying sometimes, but he knew this is what it would be like, so he doesn't mind much.
Stanley would always pull me aside when crowds came up to Ian and keep me with him. Ian didn't want me to be overwhelmed by a crowd. It was known that Ian had a girlfriend now, but no one knew who, so no one really suspected me as being the girlfriend. They probably thought I was with Stanley.
We all took a taxi to a hotel. He has a flat in London, because he spends a lot of time here for music stuff, but he was letting a friend live in it temporarily so they could work on their music career. Ian also has a house in the country, but further away. It's being worked on, so I probably wouldn't get to see it this trip. He said maybe if I'm good. Lol.

Stanley went to his own room and Ian and I settled into our room. It was really cool. I'd never been in a hotel room before. I'd seen them on movies, but they were usually small ones. This seemed bigger. Ian said he didn't like staying in the real fancy huge rooms. It was useless. All he needed was a bed, tv, and bathroom anyway.
We ordered room service, which was really fun having them bring the food in. I felt like royalty! Everything was a totally new experience for me, and I was loving it all. Ian was loving watching me experience it all. I kept catching him look at me with a big silly grin on his face. He said he loved how I appreciated the small things in life. Things that no one else would even think twice about. I told him that these things didn't seem small to me. They seemed huge. Like room service. That was so exciting to me! Ian called me a dork. Told me I need to get out more. Big meanie. :)

Ian said he had a party to go to tonight, but he didn't want to go, because I had never been around lots of people like that yet. Like, I hadn't even met any of his friends yet. Let alone LOTS of them.
I told him to go by himself, and I'd stay in the hotel room. I'd be fine. But he didn't want to bring me to England to sit in a hotel room by myself. So I told him I'd just go to the party. I'd be fine. I said if I got overwhelmed, I'd find a room somewhere to relax by myself. Or he could have a taxi bring me home. Or anything. I didn't want him to miss the party just for me.
Luckily, it wasn't a fancy, celebrity party. It was just a bunch of his old friends from school. So I didn't need any fancy outfits or anything. I was secretly glad.

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