"Hello" she greeted them with excited voice which they responded by a nod. Which made her frown. She being herself didn't mind it until their parents joined them. She hugged them both with a wide smile. "Congratulation mom and dad." Boem-Soo was happy and surprised when she addressed him as dad. "Thank you". They both replied in unison. "Congrats" BTS also wished them which they replied with a thank you.

The party continued and the family members were scattered all over dealing with the guests. She know all of them but they didn't recognize Y/N or they can't. She was bored and decided to enjoy the meal. She took many sweets in her plate and settled in a table which was in the corner.

Her peaceful eating was interrupted by a guy seated beside her. "Hey beauty. Are you alone? Wanna have some fun?" He asked with a smirked slowly holding her arm which was kept on the table. She badly wanted to punch this guy in face and rip his smirk out. She want to cut his each finger and broke his hand for touching her. But now she can't. She should endure it for now.

She quickly withdrew her hand from him and stood up " No thanks." She was about to go when he grabbed her wrist. ' you are digging your grave young man ' she thought. She saw one of her guard saw the situation she internally smirked knowing now he will take of this little shit. How dare he? But now she want to escape from this rascal.

She looked around and spotted Jin who was sitting few tables away back facing her. " Jin oppa" she called out. Luckily he heard it, he turn back and saw Y/N who was looking him with a pleading eye. The next thing he saw made his blood boil . A guy pulled her toward him and she was struggling in his embrance. How dare he touch HIS SISTER? He quickly got up and charged toward them and pulled Y/N toward him.

She quickly hug him like a koala and hide her face in his chest. She was acting clingy but she liked it, she like the feeling of someone standing there to protect her and save her. Jin hugged her and caressed her hair. "It's okay I'm here right?" She nodded not daring to look at him"You are safe now" she like the warmness she don't want to let him go. By the time the guy escaped seeing Jin. But he was already caught by her guards. They got today's victim for their new torture methods. She slowly let him go and looked him with a wide smile. "Thank you for helping me and Sorry for troubling you." Her bright smile unknowingly crept a smile in him. He patted her head. " You better keep it in mind. You troubled me." He said it with a serious tone and cold expression and walked away making her dumb fold.

He felt protective toward her and he liked how she snuggles in his embrace 'cute' he said with a smile which quickly replaced by a dark aura when he remembered about the guy who tried to touch you inappropriately. He will find him and gave his punishment for his doings.

Throughout the party Jin was eyeing you and making sure that you are safe. You saw it made sure you are always in his sight. His brothers saw that he eyeing their SIstEr but they didn't dare to question him knowing there will be a reason behind it. The party ended peacefully except a particular incident.

Time skip

Now the family was in the Kim's mansion gathered in the living room after the party. "Now what?" A tired sleepy Yoongi asked earning a glare from his father. Y/N was leaning on her mother's shoulder tiredly. " We are going for a honeymoon." Kim announced.

BTS just replied with an OK . It wasn't a big deal for them their father was always in business trips and mission he was barely in home. But it wasn't same for Y/N she can't handle herself alone not for her necessity to keep herself together she need someone and now it is her mother. She quickly sit straight and looked her mother. "Mom what about me? You said you don't have time that's why you done the marriage eagerly." " Actually sweetie it's a business trip we made it into a honeymoon too and about you.." Cho-hee bit her lower lip not knowing what to do. She knew about her mental condition and she can't also cancel this trip. "Unnies are abroad" she stated blankly with no emotions causing a tear to escape from Cho-hee's eyes understanding the meaning of the tone change. BTS and Boem-Soo was watching both the girls not knowing what is happening.

BTS saw how Y/N's mood change from sweet and charming to Moody and lifeless. Y/N sighted and hug her mom and snuggle to crook of her neck and scented her mother's scent. "It's okay I will manage it. How long is your trip?" Only her mother could understand her because of the muffled voice. "Two months. It's in America. Are you sure or we can take you to with us right honey?" Cho-hee looked toward her husband which he answered with a nod insured of his own answer.

He surely don't want anyone in his honeymoon but after seeing his daughter in this situation he will do anything. After hearing two months she wasn't herself how will she survive alone? When her biggest enemy is herself how will she defend?

At that moment she missed her dad presence and his protective hug ensuring her all is well. She quickly let go of her mother and move toward Boem-Soo and hugged him and snuggled in his chest and inhaled his scent. It was different from her dad it was a smell of strawberry and a mix of cologne. Boem-Soo stood there freeze by the sudden action but he quickly hugged back and it did calm her a bit. All including her mother was surprised. BTS thought it was her act of the females to pity them. She let go of him and faced her mom wearing her fake smile. " No need I'm okay. You should enjoy your honeymoon and two days later carl will come. So, when is your flight?"

Cho-hee sighted in relief that she held herself together. " Tomorrow morning 5:30. And sweetie you are not going to stay at our home." "You are going to stay with your brothers in their mansion." Boem-Soo completed her sentence. "WHAT?" BTS and Y/N asked in unison. Boem-Soo quiet his sons by a glare.but Y/N quickly held her mother's hand. "Mom what do you mean. How can I? You know I can't." "You know I can't take the risk by leaving you alone for two days"

BTS was now all curious they clearly could see that these two are hiding something from them. "But-" Y/N was immediately cut by Boem-Soo. "You have two options one come with us and two stay with your brothers". BTS scoffed in the mentioning of brothers. Y/N didn't like when someone order her to do something. She clenched her fist no one except Yoongi noticed it. "Don't you dare order me like you do to your sons. I know what to do." She said with a dark aura that no one noticed. BTS and Boem-Soo was shook by her outburst. They couldn't process what just happened.

Cho-hee quickly got up and hugged her daughter and soothen her by saying sweet words in her ears. She slowly calmed down. And quickly apologize to him. Cho-hee said them that she hate when someone order her. Which they took even though knowing that is not it. After hours of convincing Y/N agreed to stay with them. While the maknae line was preparing with evil plans to make her regret the decision. How dare she invalid in their private life. They should keep their cold mask even in their home? Where they are themselves? No chance. They internally smirked not knowing what is waiting for them if they mess with her.


Thank you for reading.

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Sorry for my poor English.

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