Chapter 5: P.O.V Sonic

Start from the beginning

"Anything?" Morton stared at him suspiciously.

Lemmy got down on his knees and bawled. "Yes, yes anything! Wah, wah.."

Sonic rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He was itching to run around. Wait a sec- WHAT THE!?! Sonic squinted his eyes. Mario was entering the Inkling residence! That little punk ditched! Sonic threw his hand up in the air. "WII FIT TRAINER, WII FIT TRAINER!!"

Wii Fit Trainer backflipped over to Sonic. "Hmm?"

Sonic frantically pointed to where Mario was now entering the Inkling Residence. "Look, look!!"

"Hold on, let me finish these cool stretches."


"Fine." The Wii Fit Trainer jogged over to the window. UGH, MARIO HAD ALREADY GONE INSIDE, NO NO NO!

Sonic went back into his seat and noticed that Cappy was walking out of the door. "LOOK, LOOK!"

Wii Fit Trainer looked at the door where Cappy had JUST walked out of. NOOOOO-

"WHAT THE WHAT THE WHAT THE- Everyone can now have an extra 30 minutes of detention because of Sonic's lies." The Wii Fit Trainer narrowed her eyes at Sonic, and karate chopped Sonic's desk in half.

Cappy had already escaped! RIGGED!

Lemmy didn't look so cheerful anymore. He threw half of his balls at Sonic.


They all exploded! The classroom was in panic!

As the fire caused by the explosion surrounded them all, Megaman got up lazily, and stifled a yawn as he blasted a few water waves around the classroom, soaking everyone in the way.

Lemmy looked outraged. "HEY! YOU RUINED MY NEW T-SHIRT!"

Morton glanced over at Lemmy. "No he didn't! We wash our shirts everyday!"

Lemmy glared at Morton through slitted eyes. Morton furiously stared back at him.

Sonic stared at them in horror.

Wii Fit Trainer did a few stretches and commented,"If this continues we will have more time to spend in detention!"

As soon as Sonic heard what Wii Fit Trainer said, he tossed a bag of chips over to Lemmy and Morton so they would calm down.

"Oh yeah!" Morton and Lemmy greedily ate up their chips and slumped back in their chairs, doing huge rhea burps.

Wii Fit Trainer looked over at Lemmy and Morton, clogging her nose and fanning the air. "That was very disgust-"


"Um, excuse m-"


Wii fit trainer walked up to Roy and Morton. "EXCUSE M-"


As soon as Roy and Morton stopped burping, Wii Fit Trainer left the classroom, burpy stench clouds following after her.

Yes! This was his chance to escape!

Sonic dashed towards the door again, grabbing his backpack, chips flying, he was almost there, almost-

The door slammed open and some rigged freak entered the room.

"CoMe On EvERyOnE! WhO'S ReAdY tO eXeRcIsE, RING FIT STYLE!?!?" Sonic got yanked back into his chair with a yelp.

What the?! Was Wii Fit Trainer back already?! Sonic stared down at his backpack that had fallen on the ground with a slam when he got thrown in the chair. His bags were ripped and his chips were crushed.. Sonic's nostrils flared in anger. Who did this person think they were??

He looked at the front of the classroom. Some rigged looking ring was there floating around the classroom, handing the people in the front of the classroom some exercise rings. "OK, so hi, I'm Ring Fit Trainer." Ring Fit Trainer pointed to the suspicious ring. "And that's my exercise ring, Ring. Wii Fit Trainer has to go train some random kids at the Fit Studios-"

Lemmy burst out laughing.

Ring Fit Trainer smiled at Lemmy. "Yes Lemmy?"

Lemmy was laughing so hard, no one could make out what he was saying. When he had calmed down a bit, he managed to say, "Did you just say the Wii Fit Trainer had to go to the fat studios??" He burst out laughing again, along with the rest of the class.

Morton was laughing so hard, tears were streaming from his eyes. He managed to laugh out, "This guy isn't the Ring Fit Trainer, he's the Ring FAT trainer, BAHAHAHA-"

The class laughed so hard the classroom shook.

The Ring Fit Trainer laughed. "Ha ha ha!"

The entire class looked at him with their nostrils flaring.

The Ring Fit Trainer continued to laugh. The joke wasn't funny anymore now that HE had started laughing too.

The Ring also joined in on the laughter, floating around the classroom as he did so. He floated up to Sonic.


These creepin freakin guys were rigged.

Once the Ring started screaming HAAAAAA-, it looked down at Sonic's backpack. The Ring started glowing and shaking out of control.

Ring "Fat" Trainer sprinted up to the Ring.

The Ring spoke in a robotic voice. "Junk food detected. Junk food detected."

The Ring "Fat" Trainer shook his head. "You can't have that in a 100 mile radius of us!"

Sonic looked down at his crushed chips. "So?"

Lemmy's jaw dropped, he looked excited.

The class started screaming in unison. "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!"

The Ring Fit Trainer threw a buff punch at Sonic, but he was too quick for him. Sonic used his speed and sprinted around the room, causing it to catch fire. But the whole class was so physced by the fight, that none of them noticed anyway.

Sonic and the Wit Fit Trainer brawled for minutes more. The Ring was still glowing and shaking uncontrollably. "Junk food detected, junk-"

After a while, Bowser said, "Hey, is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?"

Sonic realized he was right. He was dripping sweat along with everyone else in the classroom.

All the smart kids (AKA, JUST MEGAMAN) were already gone, they (MEANING JUST HIM) must've noticed the fire a while ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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