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1585 - Roanoke Colony ( Current North Carolina ) 

We'd just arrived here in the new colony a few days ago and it was already starting to become a booming colony . Well , not exactly , but the women and children are settleing in nicely . I was with the William's family and we had finished our cabbin just this afternoon . It looked pretty good , I must say . The Williams had taken me and my friend Kendal in shortly before they decided to travel to the new world . By now , they were like adopted parents to me and thier children , Lucile and James were like my siblings . I know that Kendal felt the same way . My story was a long one and I finally felt I'd found a place to call home .  Or so I thought . 

" Alek , we need to go into town and get some more supplies . " Kendal said , walking over to me with James at his side .

I nodded . I wasn't in a position to deny the Williams of any requests they had since they had taken me in and treated me so well . Since it was a new colony , there really weren't that many people there and there weren't many livestock around . We were walking to town . 

" So this is the new world . It's ... bigger then I thought it'd be . " Kendal said , scratching his head .

I rolled my eyes . 

" It's the new frontier . What did you expect ?! "

" Well ..... I don't know . " Kendal muttered darkly .

James laughed , hearing our brotherly bantering .

" I hear there are savages around here . " he threw in after a moment .

I'd never really liked that word . It just seemed so .... cruel for people who were human beings like ourselves . Not that I would ever say that outloud ..... 

" I heard that to . Do you think there will be any fighting ? " Kendal asked .

James shrugged . 

" I wouldn't doubt it . I mean ... this IS thier territory ." he said .

I wasn't listening to thier conversation . I was looking down at the ground . It was so unfimiliar and it was easier paying attention to the ground then to the remarks my adopted brothers were making . 4 words made me look up that day and 4 words changed my life .

" You dirty half breed ! " exclaimed a husky voice , causing us to all jolt our heads towards the other end of town .

What I saw next would be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen . It was a young woman . She had dark hair and pale skin . I hadn't seen that combination before and I'd been all over Europe . Hair so dark it was almost black and skin so pale it was almost translucent . 

" Please let me pass . " her gentle voice rang out over the crowd that had gathered.

" Why should I make your life any easier you dirty half breed ?! " demanded the same man .

I couldn't take it . I could just sit there while this beautiful woman was mistreated . Without another word , I jogged over to the small crowd that had gathered around the woman . 

" Excuse me . I don't  think that's any way to speak to a lady . " my Russian accent said protectively .

I'd only been in England about 3 years before we came to the New World and my accent hadn't quiete faded from my native country . 

" That's not a lady . " said the man .

I looked at the girl who looked on the verge of tears .

" Are you blind? Of course she is . And I will not stand for her to be tolerated this way. " I growled .

The man snatched her bag and threw it on the ground , emptying it's contents all over the ground with a smirk before walking away with the rest of the people . She dropped to her hands and knees in the dirt and scrambled to pick up her things quickly. I bent down and helped her , placing her things back in her bag for her . She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and looked at me surprised . 

" You don't have to be nice to me . I understand . " she mumbled .

I shook my head .

" I don't think you do . I know that I don't HAVE to be nice to you . I WANT to be nice to you . What's your name ? " I asked her , intrigued by her .

She sighed and then gave me a small smile .

" Kalena Grey . "

I smiled .

" That's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady . I'm Alek Aristov . " I said , extending a hand to help her up .

She took it and the second she touched my hand , I knew I was in love . It would be the best and the worst feeling I'd ever felt . A blessing and a curse . 

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