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aaliyah and mitch stepped out of the car, casually stuffing weapons into hidden sections of their clothing. mitch had one pistol lodged in his waistband, on his right hip. the other gun being on his left. aaliyah had one knife stuck into either one of her boots, while another one was concealed in a small hidden sleeve that she sewed into her jeans years ago. the two of them walked confidently, staring the warehouse down with revenge clouding their minds.

annika and stan marched behind wilson and rapp, being unspoken back up for the recruits. annika looked around nervously, keeping a tight grip on the handle of her hand gun. stan, on the other hand, didn't have an ounce of nervousness in his system. all he wanted was for this mission to be completed, and for no more death to occur. after victor's death, he feared the reality of aaliyah's plausible fate in this work field. but he also knew she would be able to do what was necessary to keep herself alive.

the four of them gathered at the warehouse's entrance, waiting for stan to give the call for them to open the door. stan made a small hand gesture, making mitch immediately open the heavy, metal, door and pull the gun, on his right hip, out and aimed it forward, preparing to shoot any enemies that would be in the way. the four of them stayed in a tight crowd, walking into the warehouse with caution. the ceiling was high, and the lighting was dim. a emerald tint was added to the lighting, giving an eerie feeling to the building. large, empty, garbage bins lined the walls. the bins were rusted, indicating that they had not been used in a great while.

they came to a dead-end stop, noticing that the path lead them to two separate hallways. aaliyah looked up at stan, silently asking him what the plan was. "you go left with rapp, ogden and i will go right."

aaliyah gave a head nod, and looked to mitch. he tilted his head towards the hallway, and the two of them began to walk briskly. suddenly, they heard a distant conversation that was beginning to get louder as the people talking got closer. mitch looked around for a place for them to hide, and quickly noticed a small ledge that was high on the wall. the perfect hiding spot. he jumped up, grabbing onto the ledge with great strength before pulling himself up and over. he reached his hand down, for aaliyah to grab onto. she jumped, and grabbed onto his forearm and he reciprocated. she used her feet to walk up the wall as rapp pulled her up. the two of them laid on their stomachs, on the ledge, waiting for the distant voices to get closer.

three men, two members of ghost's mob and an assassin, began to walk down the hallway, being at a loud volume with their conversation. they stopped in the middle of the hallway as soon as the assassin spoke up. "how much is ghost paying me?"

"$85,000." a member responded.

"$85,000 just to kill some old white guy? ghost must really want the fucker gone."

"stan hurley has been a threat to ghost for 11 years. now that we know stan, and his team, are here, he will pay anything to get rid of stan. or the person he loves most."

"and who is that exactly?"

the members looked at one another, their faces turning into a scowl. "aaliyah wilson."

mitch's used every muscle in his body to retrain himself from jumping down and killing every man standing down there. his brain was full of worry. he looked over to aaliyah, wanting to see her reaction. he expected a worried look on her face, but all he saw was pure anger. he smirked, knowing that she would do anything possible to keep herself alive. and he would do the same for her.

"well, is it an in-advanced payment or am i getting my money afterwards?" the assassin asked.

"in-advanced payment. come with me." the other member spoke.

the three men started to continue their travel down the hallway, their backs now facing aaliyah and mitch. aaliyah swung her leg around the ledge and carefully jumped off, being quiet with her landing. mitch copied her action, and took his gun out of his waistband at the same time aaliyah took the knives out of her boots. she twirled them around, before gripping the blades handle and the two of them began to follow the dangerous men in front of them.

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