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aaliyah's feet make quick and prideful strides as she makes her way down the concrete stairs that lead her away from the museum. she spots hurley's car and begins to walk faster. as she approaches the car, she notices rapp sitting in the back seat, victor right by his side. victor gave a disappointing stare to rapp, as stan yelled furiously, staring mitch down in the rear view mirror. aaliyah smirked to herself, knowing that rapp was going to get the punishment he deserved. she opens the passenger side door, hearing stan let out a frustrated sigh. she shuts the door behind her, giving stan the cue to step on the gas and drive as fast as he can away from the museum.

"tell me what my fucking order was rapp. repeat it back to me." stan sneers, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he steers everyone in and out of traffic.

"you said to leave lorenzo there, and make sure he's alive." mitch mutters, keeping his eyes locked in on the window. his behavior reminded stan of a little boy that just threw a fit inside of a grocery store.

"and what did you fucking do?" stan asks, raising his voice.

"i killed our target, knowing that we were just going to kill him anyways. is that not what we do here, sir? is that not what you hired all of us to do? take out the target?" mitch questions, scrunching his eyebrows as his tone begins to match hurley's.

"your job is to take out the target when i tell you to. not kill the enemy whenever the hell you feel like it!" stan rebuttals, having no patience for the troubled recruit in his backseat.

"i'm sorry, sir, but i really see no problem with finishing a task before it's asked. in fact, most people praise that kind of action." mitch argues, narrowing his eyes.

"this isn't the same as doing the dishes before mommy tells you to do them. this is the federal government, where you follow orders when they're given. do i make myself clear, rapp?"

"crystal." mitch mutters under his breath, turning his attention back to the window.

aaliyah keeps her mouth shut, not wanting to get any more involved in the bickering between rapp and hurley. she admires the buildings passing by until her eyes land on the side mirror. she notices rapp staring her down from the backseat, a threatening look plastered on his face. aaliyah wasn't threatened, though, as she keeps her eyes locked with mitch's and then switches her attention to the wind shield so she can view the city some more.


"swat has already got sharif contained, they are picking up lorenzo's body in t-minus five minutes. you kids are lucky this mission didn't blow up in our faces, especially after rapp's stunt. get your asses to bed, we leave for the states in the morning."

mitch, aaliyah, and victor nod their heads at hurley's announcement. aaliyah picks up her backpack, placing the strap over her shoulder before walking to her bedroom. she pushes open the wooden door, and sets her bag down on the ground. she immediately puts her hair up, in a messy ponytail, and walks over to her bathroom to remove the small amount of makeup she wore out today. she opens the cabinet, that has a mirror attached to the front, to retrieve a small bottle of micellar water and a few cotton rounds. she shuts the cabinet closed, and notices a presence standing behind her.

her head whips around as mitch brings his forearm up, to block a punch she threw at him. rapp's fist collides with aaliyah's stomach, making her wince slightly and gain the power to stomp her boot down on mitch's foot, that was only covered with a sock. he quickly yelps, and grabs the back of aaliyah's head to push her out of the way, but she grips onto his forearm and quickly twists it around, so she can get out of mitch's embrace. she removes herself from the bathroom, and is now standing the middle of her bedroom, waiting for rapp to attack again.

𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠 ~ 𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑝Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant