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cars honk and rubber tires roll against the asphalt, passing by stan and victor. the two of them march together, side by side, blending themselves into society with ease. they engage in a forced conversation, making themselves less suspicious to anyone passing by. hurley asks the recruit how his made up wife was doing, back home. victor fed into the narrative, explaining that their marriage was going well and they were expecting a baby soon.

at a near by cafe, only buildings away from the target's meeting area, aaliyah and mitch sat in metal chairs, sipping on small glasses of whiskey. there was no conversation between them, only eyes locked in on hurley and victor. aaliyah's eyes scan the area, taking in little details of the street and the people passing by. she thinks of a route she would take to get to the restaurant across the street from her, incase victor had needed her help. she watches hurley and victor part their ways, and victor looks into the crowd of civilians around him. hurley takes his phone out of his pocket, and begins to pretend that he was having a conversation with a friend. he talks into his phone, chuckling at a joke he had made up.

a charcoal grey car pulls up in front of the restaurant, and a tall, bald, man in a black suit exits the passenger side. he calmly shuts the door, and checks around him for any cars coming his way, so he can safely cross the street and enter the meeting area he promised to arrive to. he was loyal to sharif, knowing that his leader could get him anything he wants if he follows orders.

"lead, you're target is arriving now." aaliyah mutters, pressing her finger against the earpiece to communicate with victor.

"copy." victor responds.

victor takes the signal and begins to stroll into the restaurant. the bald man approaches him, staring down at his phone nervously. victor decided to play nice guy by holding the door open for the man, and giving a friendly smile. the man nods his head, silently thanking the recruit for the polite gesture. victor follows the man in, letting the door shut close behind him.

the man scans the area to find sharif's assistant sitting in a booth, a refreshment resting on the small table in front of him. black suit walks towards the man in a burgundy jacket. the same assistant mitch had bumped into yesterday. victor, on the other hand, sat at a small round table, right by the window, letting aaliyah see what he was doing through the glass. he keeps his eyes locked on the two targets, and waits for his cue.

"lead, what are you seeing?" mitch mumbles, tilting his head down to avoid anyone seeing his mouth moving as he spoke those words to victor.

"targets are just sitting. civil conversation. no one seems to be-"

victor stops his words, watching the bald man slide a folder, across the table, over to the man in the burgundy jacket. burgundy raises an eyebrow, and immediately opens the folder to read the secret information inside.

"a folder was just exchanged. sharif's assistant seems intrigued." victor informs, keeping his voice low.

"can you get a closer look at the folder?" mitch questions.

"don't go in, victor." hurley demands, interrupting the conversation between the recruits. "wilson, meet me at the back entrance."

"yes, sir." aaliyah responds, proceeding to get up from the small table at the cafe. mitch watches her figure prepare herself to leave, his eyes scanning her body before meeting with her eyes. she looks down at him, keeping a neutral face and then turning her body so she can make her way over to the meeting spot stan informed her to go to. her head stays low as she takes confident strides over to the restaurant.

"wilson, keep your head up. you look suspicious." mitch's voice says into her ear piece, making her jaw clench.

"i know how to do my job, rapp." she snaps, before craning her neck up so she can meet eyes with citizens walking past her. she gives a soft smile to a woman selling bouquets of flowers, and continues her walk.

𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠 ~ 𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑝Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora