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Jade cried bitterly, the memory of Prina's aged hand going limp in hers, her lined smile as she told Jade she was worried about her. Because Jade was the only one left.

It seemed sudden now how time had passed. Everyone grown old around her as she stayed young, and now she was alone.

Forming her gems into a reflective green sword, she curled her hands around the hilt and pointed the blade at her stomach, considering.

Darius had made it clear that he didn't want the media involved. Still, at some points he'd had to fight them off, telling them he'd had some vague magic make him immortal. There was frequent speculation online that he was one of the gem girls, but he'd refused to make a statement.

"I'm telling you." he said to the reporter as his great grandson watched from the porch, "I don't do interviews."

"It won't take long, it's just a few-"

Darius tried to quell the boiling anger rising up in his throat, making his hands clench.

"Don't make me hurt you. I'm just here to live a quiet life with my family."

The reporter swallowed visibly and backed away.

He'd dealt with other reporters like this. He hadn't had to resort to violence even in the case of the intruder who wasn't a reporter- a woman who'd wanted to get revenge for her mother, who had been in the mansion Darius had burned down as Amber.

He'd teleported her to a far off dimension. He'd promised his loved ones, even though all but Caroline were dead now, he'd promised that he'd never go crazy again.

In the years after Neris had revealed themself, violence against demons had ramped up to new heights. They'd gotten used to teleporting around for many years until finally they'd settled in a town that had a high demon population along with humans.

"You're my hero, Neris. This town couldn't have been created without you." an enthusiastic half demon said.

What a strange sight he was. Just a few generations ago someone like him would have been unheard of.

Neris laughed.

"You're so flattering. I'll do my utmost to be a role model to you and everyone." they said with a tone of sincerely, meeting his eyes.
Neris still ate humans, quietly, from far away communities. They had been planning for a while now to tell everyone that- the best time would be at an event celebrating the peace that was steadily growing between the two species. They couldn't wait for everyone's reactions.


Life had been a lot of things. Colorful emotions, joy, sadness, guilt, anger.

"I'm still technically alive, yet it's all gone somehow."

Yet the world around her was still full of color.

Leilah watched fish swimming overhead through strands of Diamond's long red hair. She'd lived in the moment for a long time now, free from the constraints of duty, love, pain, even her mortal needs.

Time passed without measuring or judgement, fluctuating between night and day in an irrelevant flash.

She stared at the beauty of the world, the fish struggling for life, loving, fighting, fleeing as they desperately made their way through their short lives.

The world was beautiful. She loved it even though she no longer considered herself a part of it.


"Sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone by gathering you all here." Crystal said.

She'd taken Darius here to these grassy plains herself, knowing that he didn't like to transform, but everyone else she'd simply called and hoped they'd come.

To her surprise, they all came almost right away.

Jade was holding a green sword, but most of them looked unoccupied.

Matilda had been murdered years ago. Her immediate family members were suspected, but nothing was ever proven.

"No, it's okay." Diamond said, turning into her real form.

Jade nodded in agreement.

"I am ever so curious about what you all have been up to." Amethyst said.

"I guess I am too. You're the only people who were alive when I was a child." Darius admitted.

Jade sighed heavily, running a hand through her messy hair.

"How do you all stay so lively?" she wondered.

"Humans are endless fun, my dear." Amethyst said, smiling as though she had evil plans.

"I've got to look out for my descendants. Each generation brings a new set of people with a new set of problems, and I want to do the best I can to help them. Maybe make up for some of the harm I've done." Darius said.

Like all of them, he had the air of a much older man despite his youthful appearance.

"I agree with you. The world goes on, and they still need help. With years and years of experience, I've become a very skilled veterinarian. And there are so many other opportunities to help the world that my power and age give me." Crystal said.

"I was never really a hero like the rest of you. I'm just content to watch the world go by." Leilah said, her voice peaceful.

"I feel like I left myself behind in the world that had my family in it." Jade said heavily.

Leilah put a hand on Jade's shoulder.

"I feel that way too, for my friends. But in my case, there's a piece that lives on."

"I don't get why people are so sad when someone dies." Amethyst said.

"Perhaps attachment isn't something you're capable of experiencing. Even so, you've done a lot for demonkind." Crystal said kindly.

"Would be a pity if it all came apart now." Amethyst said.

"It's become clear by now that you're off your rocker, Neris. I don't think anything you do will destroy the image of demons that's been built up." Darius said. "At least I hope not. I hope people aren't that stupid."

"Never underestimate humans!" Amethyst said with a laugh.

Jade shook her head and Leilah smiled slightly as if agreeing with Amethyst, Jade, or perhaps all of them. 

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