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Darius woke up to a heat that should have fried him. In this form it only singed him. Even his clothing was only blackened.

The pain pulled him out of the nightmare he'd been having and he realized he was the center of a raging storm.

It took him a moment to realize that the storm had no calm spot at the center. He was the center of the storm, and it was strongest around him.

He wondered if the storm had hurt anyone. What did it matter if it had?

He flew away, leaving the storm raging behind him, and found himself over the mansion again. It didn't seem right to leave it here, with his awful father living peacefully in it.

'What about the maids?' Something in him thought to ask.

"They chose to work for him."

In the sea of grey clouds at the edge of the storm he'd made, with a sea of distance between him and the mansion, Darius raised his Cursed Weapon and brought it down with a bolt of energy that came out as pure lightning.

With a deafening crack, the mansion burst into flames.

Darius teleported away without looking back.

Perhaps he could start living some kind of life as Amber. She could destroy something.

Darius opened his eyes to find utter blackness overlaid with a slight rainbow glow. He looked behind him to see some kind of bright, massive object shining in a rainbow of colors.

Not understanding what he was seeing and slightly freaked out, he teleported again.

He found himself on a green field, empty of everything but a single tree.

He imagined burning the field just for the sake of it, but what would be the meaning of venting his anger in that way?

He lay down under the tree, promising to himself that when he woke up, if he still felt so unsatisfied and angry, he'd find out if his father was still alive and kill him if he was.

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