Dora felt bad for her father, it was exactly how it had been.

Sirius Black not getting sorted into Slytherin but Gryffindor and Regulus getting sorted into Slytherin. Making the two brothers drift apart.

Was this how it will be for the rest of the years? I might just go back to Uagadou.

For the past three days Dora has been living with a turmoil of emotions inside of her. She wasn't the best when it came to realising her feelings and accepting her emotions.

The girl was comfortable with sharing her feelings with only her grandfather.

As Dora walked into her first lesson of that day, which was double potions with Slytherin.

The potions classroom was in the dungeons.

Dora would be lying if she didn't feel a little giddy, she would've had her common rooms located here as well had she not been sorted into Gryffindor.

Walking into the potions classroom, she sat in the middle, but not alone.

It was Blaise who had wordlessly sat down beside her.

The potions professor walked into the classroom with quite a bang, his robes flying after him.

He marched up and turned towards the class, he had long black greasy hair.

No wonder James Potter constantly offered him some of his shampoo.

The thought made Dora smile a little, Remus did tell Dora about his friends when he couldn't tell her much about Regulus.

"For all those who don't know, I am Professor Severus Snape" Snivellus "And I teach potions and am the Head of Slytherin" he drawled out.

His eyes on Cordelia.

"Tell us Miss.Black any three ingredients needed for making the Shrinking Potion"

"Daisy roots, a cat spleen and a dash of leech juice Professor" Cordelia replied confidently.

Professor Snape, even if he was impressed, he didn't show it, but Dora was confident enough to know that she had answered it correctly.

"That is what we brewing today, the Shrinking Potion" he began his lesson.

The students were confused, even Dora furrowed her eyebrows, he wouldn't give her any points for answering correctly?

The rest of the lesson was quite eventful, Draco had lazily walked in the classroom with a sling around his arm, in the middle of the lesson.

Dora paid him no mind, he had made it pretty clear he didn't want to acknowledge her as his cousin.

Dora could hear a few Draco whisper talking to the two boys, one being the red head and the other being Harry Potter.

In Dora's opinion, Professor Snape was not fit to be a Professor. Dora observed that his judgement was clouded by his biased nature, he had no patience when it came to his students mistakes and above everything else, he didn't hold back from humiliating his students.

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