Chapter140: Choice's

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Rumi smiles, "This is our chance". Everyone looked at her confused, it didn't seem like they had any plan and were just rushing into this without one. "What's the plan?" Uv asked as she readied her sai she was pumped and ready for action.

"Master Wu, Misako,Mr. E go down there and see if you can free the eveyone, Get 'em loose and wait for my signal". Then harumi Looked at her ex generals. "Killow, Uv you're with me". Killow raised an eyebrow "Where are we going?"

Harumi smiled, as she looked at the two, "We are going after Zephyr, Matias, And Ava". She grinned brightly as she cracked her fingers, as a light was seen, she was now transformed into a Little Dove. "You two take care of Ava, and Matais"

She turned as she then tried to take off flying but fell, down but then managed to get get in the air. "I'll take care of Zephyr" they all nodded as they all went to take the sorcerer down. As Rumi scouted ahead as she flew in the air

Zephyr smiles, as he looked around his lair, and the machine was complete, he looked at Matias "it is time". He smiles, as he used his staff to bonk Matias on the head. "Sound the gong!" He wakes up and quickly does so.

From behind some rocks, Misako, and Wu Lookrf at each other, he breathed a sigh, as he looked at Misako. "Is that signal?" The archaeologists shook her head, as she replied. "No, not yet. Just be ready".

As a alarm like sound was heard, he looked at everything, he looked at his comrades. "Start the machine!" He yelled, as a minion walks walked over and heads to start up the machine.

As they were, were pressing buttons, to start up the machin they were unware of a dove flying over them, and unknown to them a couple of Rocks within her beak and claws, they flew over the the minion and started to throw the rocks at the minions.

The minion groaned as they held their head, as one of the rocks, hit the button whitch ironicly was the off button, that caused the machine to shut down, zephyr who caught wind of the situation growled as he was looking for who was trying to stop him.

He growled as he looked around, as then saw a little dove dive bomb him, as he yelled out in anger, as he waved his hands, to try and stop the attack that the dove was trying to attack him. He yells out."Ava! Matais get over here and help right now!"

The two sorcerers went to try and help but were stopped when, two Generals got in their way holding their weapons as they gleamed against the lava below them. "Yeah, I don't think so" Uv smiled as her teeth turned into a malice, Killow smirked.

"Yeah, I don't think you wanna mess with us" Killow chimed, as he held his mallet up, ready to smash the two, for what they did to their friend. "Oh you have no idea, what your up against" Killow smirks as he towers over them, with his height.

The two, acted not scared but they then tried to attack, as zephyr was still dealing with the Dove. He growled, "Fine I'll deal with it myself" he attempted to attack, the dove counters his attack, and he growled: "You dare to Defy me! You stupid bird!"

The dove smirks, as it swoops down, and landed on the ground near him. "I'm not an ordinary Dove". Zephyr growled. "You!" He growled he knew that annoying voice anywhere. "So you've come back to try and save your friends, how foolish of you"

The dove smirked, as she attempted to attack the man. "If foolish you mean, of course I'm coming back for them then yes foolish" she says as she smiled as she continued to try ans attack, as Zephyr tried blasting her with his magic.

As another sound was heard, Misako looked at Wu "That's the signal!" They all charge at the minions Lloyd grabs the bars, and starts to shake them in hopes of breaking them. He calls out to his lover. "Harumi, get us out of here!"

Nya pushed lloyd aside not hard, but enough to get them out of the way. "Open the cages! We can help!" He yells, as Mr. E walked over and tried to help. "I'm on it". Mr.E then opens the cell letting them all out of the cell ready to help in the battle.

At the other end of the cavern, Harumi, continued to try and attack Zephyr, as he still tries to blast her. He grows "You have returned to your doom! You will join your pitiful friends and And perish with them!" He yells as Harumi continued to try and dodge.

She was getting tired, but harumi knew she needed to keep fighting her friends, came back to save her and now she needed to repay the favor she needed to take this guy down and make sure no harm came to her beloved city, and her amazing family.

She continued to dodge, as the blasts were getting harder and harder to dodge, but she shakes her head of the tiredness, as she groaned as she lets out a sign as she saw he was readied a beam, to come and take her down from the sky.

The let out a gasp, as she in her bird from, tried to blast him with a beam of her own but it unfortunately it blasts her Instead, and she nearly loses her balance and nearly falls out of the sky but she managed to stay up in the air thankfully.

Zephyr smiles, as he continues to blast Harumi, but unfortunately it wasn't really working out in his favor, he growls as he continues to try and blast her. "You cannot win! I'm stronger than you, more powerful!" He yells at her, as she tiredly groaned

"You talk too much". She says as she attacks him by dive bombing him and using her talons to scratch at his face, as he yelled out in agony. "You!" He yelled as he powered up then blasted her with another beam that managed to hit her.

She yelled out, and cried in agony, she held her wing to her chest, as she whimpered. Zephyr smirks as he looks at Onyx. "Go Ahead, and Eat her" he said as the snake as the dove started to fall, and the Snake smirks and leaped up.

Lloyd who was seeing this gasped, he stopped fighting a minion, as he quickly ran to catch her. "Hang on! I'm coming" he yelled as he went and leaped up and grabbed her, and then held the little dove to her chest. "Rumi is that you?" He asked.

Harumi shakes her head as she looks up weakly, as Lloyd sees, a open wound had now formed on her chest. He gasped. "Harumi, stay down, you need to rest" he says. As nearby they hear: "Destroy the others. I will take care of Harumi personally".

Lloyd watched, as he looked and saw a light, then Harumi was seen turning back to a human, she groaned on the ground, holding her chest. "Lloyd..... I" she starts. As Lloyd gasps "Take cover!" He yells shielding harumi from the blasts.

Hey! You! Zane gets The animals attention, as they were coming towards Zane, Zane leaped, and then formed his dragon, and flew away. "Nice one, Zane!" Kai says, as they flew away. Harumi quietly takes out a shuriken and attacks zephyr. "Ha!"

Harumi looked at the battle that her family was facing, as She heard kai as he tried attacking some minions. "They just keep coming". Nya nods as she tried to go on the defenses "I'm not liking these odds"

Harumi looks at the machine, then zephyr, and then looks at Lloyd. She was conflicted on what to do when she heard the words that made her decision final.
"There are too many!" Kai yells as he and Cole are being surrounded.

She looks at the machine, and then sighs. "I have no other choice" she says to herself as she, despite her bleeding stomach, runs towards the machine, and then seeing a hatch, wiggles herself in. Ready to face whatever it may bring.

Hey eveyone, Jdizzle here, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I'm currently writing it the night before the publication date, I would've wrote it yesterday, but... I was feeling a little Under the weather, but I'm okay now, alright guys you know the drill! I'll see you all in two weeks! Bye guys! Jdizzle signing out peace!

Reconciled hearts: a season9(Lloyrumi story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz