Never Tear Us Apart

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you can't come away with me for today instead of being here?" She turned to look at him, just as she had pulled her lab coat on, seeing the desire in his eyes matching that in the tone of his voice.

"And you think no one would notice we were both missing?" She raised an eyebrow at him, slightly amused at his primal desire, but also quite turned on by it as she bit her lip slightly.

He moved closer to her as he took his shirt off with a low chuckle, smirking slightly, "I wouldn' care, I'd have you all to myself."

Her eyes glanced over his torso, watching as he took his jeans off as well as he moved closer to her, depositing them with his shirt on the bench. "You're just asking for trouble now..." she said as she backed up against the wall.

His voice lowered and he leant one hand against the wall beside her as their faces were inches from each other. Meredith's breathing became laboured at his proximity, his lips moving to just under her ear as he spoke in a husky whisper, "So, Dr Grey, where can I get some scrubs?"

"Meredith!" At the sound of Cristina's voice, Derek pulled back from her as though he had been given an electric shock, "What the hell is going on here? What are you doing to her?"

"Cris..." Meredith started, "Dr Shepherd was just grabbing some scrubs," she said with a pointed look toward him and a gesture toward the fresh scrubs. He followed her direction and grabbed some scrubs while Meredith spoke with Cristina. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail as she walked over to her, "Whats up Cristina?"

"Your mother was looking for you... and something about Shepherd not being at the hotel this morning at breakfast," Cristina narrowed her eyes at Meredith, "Wouldn't know anything about that would you? Anything I need to know?"

Meredith didn't have to speak any words to her person, just looking at her a certain way gave her the answer she needed to know.

"I guess I missed a lot not going to that gala..." Cristina's eyebrows rose as she spoke, out of Derek's earshot, "are you sure about this?"

Meredith glanced over to where Derek stood on the other side of the room, busying himself with his phone to give her some privacy with Cristina, she looked back to her twisted sister, "I'm sure."

"I'm actually proud of you, and happy for you, if he hurts you though," she spoke a bit louder now so that Derek could hear her, "I will cut off his balls and feed them to him on a plate."

Meredith laughed softly at the slight panic on Derek's face and she gently nudged Cristina's shoulder with her own, "Go on, I'll go deal with Ellis."

Cristina rolled her eyes, leaving Meredith and Derek alone again in the residents' lounge. She turned to walk over to him, "We really should be more careful, that could've been anyone."

"I'm not getting your point... why would that be a bad thing?"

"Don't you understand how hospital gossip works, or have you just never been subjected to it? My mother would find out in minutes. Your last year of residency shouldn't be any harder on you than it already is."

"And you have been subject to hospital gossip?" He raised an eyebrow, pressing a kiss to her forehead before they made their way out of the room.

"That's nothing you need to concern yourself with," she said with a gentle pat of his upper arm and a slight smirk on her lips.

"Now I'm even more interested," he mused as they walked along, him just following wherever she was going.

"You can be interested all you like," she quipped back as they walked out on to the catwalk towards the Chief's office, the place she thought first to check for her mother, "I'm not telling you anything."

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