"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Jaehyun." Chaeyoung voiced concernly before approaching him but he can't answer or hear her because of the heat he feeling right now around his chest.

"Jaehyun are you alright? I'm so sorry..." Chaeyoung apologized again.

"Do something...it's burning.....Ughh!" Jaehyun screamed walking around as Chaeyoung started to get panic.

"Let me have a look at it Jaehyun. Please stop in a place." Chaeyoung said trying to stop him, but he isn't in the state of listen to her.

But when Chaeyoung succeeded in stopping him. Jaehyun was still in the pain and without thinking twice he tore the white shirt making his bare chest show. Chaeyoung widened her eyes gasping loudly. She immediately turned around before covering her eyes with her hands.

"What are you doing Jaehyun?" Chaeyoung asked facing him her back, reminding Jaehyun that he wasn't alone in the room. When he realized, his eyes widen more than her.He crossed his arms over his upper body and turned around another side.

"I'm.... I'm sorry Chaeyoung." Jeahyun said closing his eyes because of embarrassment. Chaeyoung sighed and lighly shooked her head before parting lips to spoke.

"It's fine. How is your chest? Is it still hurts?" Chaeyoung inquired. Jaehyun looked down to his chest, he almost forgot about the pain.

"Pain is better now. But it turned red." Jaehyun proclaimed spotting a small but dark red sear on the top of his chest and middle of his lungs. Chaeyoung slightly get scared hearing him. The thought of being the reason of this, she didn't think much approached him with a concerned face. She stand infront of him to have a look at the blaze.

"What.... What are you doing Chaeyoung?" Jaehyun asked widening his eyes and turned around from her completely embarrassed.

"Let me see how much burned? Why are you turning back." Chaeyoung asked approaching him once more. But he again turned back.

"What are you doing Chaeyoung. Just stop following me around." Jaehyun annoyingly said rotating again covering his chest with the slashed shirt.

"Jaehyun just stop and turn back."

"No. What are you doing?"

"Oh my God Jaehyun. Just stop!"

"No. Chaeyoung you stop."

"I SAID STOP!" Chaeyoung shouted and forcefully dragged Jaehyun's shoulder making him turn back.


"MOVE YOUR HANDS." Chaeyoung again yelled cutting off Jaehyun. As he removed his hand from his chest.

"Oh my God. It looks like really hurted." Chaeyoung said sadly and panicking.While Jaehyun was impressed by the way she looking concerned towards him.

"What should I do? Do you have any oilment to put on?" She questioned. Jaehyun was looking at her no he was observing her closely and perfectly.

"I'm sorry Jaehyun. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." Chaeyoung stated and started to blowing on it.
On the other hand Jaehyun was enjoying it. He chuckled softly mouthing a 'cute'.

"What is happening here?" One more character entered the scene making Jaehyun and Chaeyoung to look up to the door side.

Chaeyoung's Pov

"What is happening here?" Someone spoke from behind as I looked up to Jaehyun who was looking my back, before spinning my head to the voice.

"Jungkook Sir?" I said spotting him infront of the door. I immediately remembered about my hand on Jeahyun's body and I pushed away from him while Jaehyun take a step backward. I panicked for a second.

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