Part 26

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"Charles, I think Bash and I need to talk alone for a second." Nell said.

Charles looked startled for a second but stood and looked around trying to decide where to disapear to. 

"Do you maybe want to make us a snack?" She smiled hoping to both get rid of him and get a snack out of it. 

"Uh, yeah, sure." He gave a flash of a smile and made his way out of the room. 

"Bash!" Nell breathed out looking at him with sadness in her eyes. 

"I KNOW!" He said throwing his hands up and dropping his head. 

"I am so proud of you. Those programs are amazing, but you know we can't keep going if there is no chance for us ever to actually be together. I love you, I probably always will, I mean you were my first love and you are simply amazing. But I think we both know that this thing between us can't continue. I hope the best for you in EVERYTHING, and if you would let me I would LOVE to be your friend. I will support you and be your champion and I will still even model for you from time to time." She smiled softly. Her heart was breaking but also filling up for him. He was destined to do great things and she would always love him, but their time together was over. 

"I hate this... I don't want this... if things were different..." He was trying to find the right words to express how he was feeling. 

"I know." She said with  shake of her head trying to fight the hot tears forming in her eyes. A big fat tear escaped and she wiped it away and offered him a sad smile. 

"I love you." He finally said letting his shoulders slump and hiding the mistiness of his eyes.

"I love you too." She said. 

They sat in the quiet for a long time neither sure of what they should say. Nell felt like their relationship was over and final, but in an acceptable and comfortable way. 

"He had better be good to you." Bash finally said.

"He is wonderful." She smiled. Bash nodded and looked sad.

"We can still talk though, right? as friends I mean?" Bash Asked quietly.

"You better still be my friend." She laughed through her tears. 

"Promise." He said through his own. 

Charles heard the door close and went to investigate. Nell sat on th e couch with her cast stretching out beside her as she had been when he had left, but Bash was no longer occupying the chair opposite her. 

"Where is Bash? What happened?" He asked worried that it would be his turn next to be kicked out.

"We ended things. Officially. We are never going to be in the same place at the same time, so we decided that we should continue as friends and love and encourage each other, but separately." Nell said looking at him with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. 

"Oh, Sunshine! I'm sorry." He went over to hug her and suddenly stiffened. 

"What?" Nell asked looking at him with worry in her eyes.

"I don't know, we never finished our conversation. I fell bad that things ended for you and him, but also I'm happy they did? Like does that mean you are finally and truly all mine, or like you are done with both of us or like, I don't know." Charles rambled awkwardly as he gripped the back of his neck. Nell half wondered if he did that because it showed off his toned muscles and he knew how sexy he looked, or if he genuinely had no idea. 

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