Part 18

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Pheobe sat in her dining room chair while a house full of people fussed over her and waited impatiently to hear. Nell was missing. She had disapeared and no one had any idea where she might have gone. 

Family and friends busied themselves with food and chores, while Pheobe sat unable to focus on anything. 

Somehow Persey had arrived home and Pheobe hugged her long and hard before letting her settle in to wait on news. The twins hid in their rooms. People moved uncomfortably silently around the house. Charles sat with Zaiden, Tessa and Jenna fidgeting uncontrolably. Police officers and detectives wandered in and out of the house asking questions and taking notes. Volunteers drove around and Nell's friends checked every spot they could think of. There was no trace of her anywhere. 

Charles couldn't do nothing any longer and grabbed his coat. 

"I have to go look. I can't sit another second." He said to the group of teens sitting around the den. 

"I'm comming." Zaiden stood up and nodded at the girls. "You call or text as soon as there is any news. I mean it right away!" He made them promise and the boys left the house. 

Charles drove through the streets looking for anything that might be a clue. They went and walked all around the high school, they drove past every house, coffee shop and work out spot Nell was known to frequent. They knew that the police had checked, but they knew her better and would be able to spot things the police missed. 

"Where hasn't anyone checked?" Zaiden said running his hand through his hair. He looked as lost as Charles felt. 

"I can't think." Charles admitted locking his fingers behind his neck and looking at the sky. 

"Ok logically, we both know her, has anything changed? anything bothering her? anything unfinished?" Zaiden paced while he thought out loud. 

"Shit! Yes! Fuck!" Chales dropped his arms and looked angry.

"What? what did you think of?" Zaiden perked up.

"BASH! Why didn't I think of it before?" Charles slapped his leg and climbed into the truck. Zaiden raced to get in before Charles took off. 

"What happened?" Zaiden asked once they were on the way. 

"They broke up two weeks ago after a fight and he broke her heart. She didn't understand how he could be so cold about it, so I blocked him on her phone. Well, you know her, it isn't going to just be that simple. She is going to obsess. So when we started, um, something. I bet she needed the closure of finding out why he dumped her like that."  Charles explained. 

"But like how do you figure she just left the dojo friday night and hasn't been heard from all weekend?" 

"You know how implulsive she gets, what do you bet she got him to pick her up on Friday night, texted her mom and forgot to hit send and then her phone died or something and she has no clue we are all completely losing our shit!" Charles felt a peek of hope. 

"Well let's go! I really hope it is that simple." Zaiden crossed his fingers and held them up for Charles to see. 

They arrived at Bash's house forty five minutes later. Charles had barely turnd the key to kill the engine before they were out of the truck. Charles marched across the grass to the front door choosing to und his fist on the door rather than ring the bell. An elegant woman answered looking startled and Charles took a step back not expecting Bash's mother to answer. 

"Good evening Ma'am, My name is Charles, is Bash in?" His manners took over thankfully, his parents had certainly drilled them into him enough. 

"I will have him come out." She said eyeing the two wild looking boys suspiciously. She backed into the house and closed the door leaving Charles standing on the lawn panting as his adrenoline rush ebbed away. He panted and looked at Zaiden who looked as wild as he felt. They both hoped Nell had made her way here. 

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