Part 2

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A/N: So I am writing this to get it out of my head and explore the dynamic of these relationships, which means I will likely be flooding out the chapters with out much editing. I will eventually go back and fix them (If anyone reads it) but for now I will be pushing forward with the story. :) Please read and comment and all the things. 

Nell sat on the floor of Charles' huge loft bedroom munching a deep fried pickle quizzing him on chemistry equations when her phone dinged alerting her to a text message.

B: Hey Juliette! I had to work all morning. I miss you too. I wish I could see you this weekend. :(

N: What about tomorrow? Can you come see me tomorrow?

B: I have to work. We can video chat tonight though

N: You aren't going out?

B: Nope not tonight, I have to study and since I am working all weekend it is my only time.

N: you are so studious. LOL 

B: Also: My mom is riding my back on this one. I would rather be there with you 100%

N: Well me too. two against one. Wait do I get a vote?

B: *I* would give you all the votes, My mom would not. 

N: :( Fine. I am helping Charles study chemistry any way. 

B: How did he manage that?

N: Food. and a trip to the dojo. 

B: Let me guess, appetizers. 

N: You know me too well. 

Nell took a picture of herself sitting on the floor with the table of food in front of her and the books all around her and sent it off to him. Bash wasn't a huge fan of her friendship with Charles, ever since the day he saw her and asked Bash when she had gotten hot. Bash was not thrilled with them spending time together knowing that Charles thought his girlfriend was hot. 

Nell put her phone down and resumed her pattern of asking a question and then eating as Charles answered. Her small frame looked delicate but she was a power house and ate like one. 

"How am I supposed to remember this stuff? It's like a whole different language." Charles said frustrated after forgetting a formula for the third time. 

"You just have to learn what the formulas mean and then what it is asking and why. Here let me break it down for you." Nell popped up off the floor and sat beside him on the giant cozy couch that occupied  the middle of one side of his giant bedroom. 

"I hope you can break this down before I brake down." He said dramatically playing around but only half kidding. Nell put the books in her lap and broke down where each piece of the equations came from and showed him what the question was asking. A light bulb went on in his head and he was starting to see the logic of the string of numbers and symbols on the page. She smiled brightly and he hugged her against him. 

"Ok, so now we take a break and watch a movie right?" Charles reached for the remote and pulled up Netflix.

"No, now we put your new found understanding to the test." Nell said reaching for the remote. He was almost double her height making his arms incredibly long. He played keep away by holding the remote out of her reach making her have to practically climb him to reach it and just as she was about to snatch it away, he switched hands making her have to scramble for it again. She was determined to get it so she tackled him down on the couch and sat on him so he couldn't pull away. She laughed in triumph until he caught her off guard and flipped her off and onto her back. He held the remote close to her but when she reached for it again he moved it away. She wasn't one to accept defeat and she launched back up and into his lap, she finally had the upper hand and managed to get the remote. She looked him dead in the eye and tucked it into her cleavage. 

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