Part 23

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A\N: Thank-you for making it this far! remember to vote and comment. Share how you feel about the relationships and interactions between characters. Share your favorite parts or favorite character. I have looked back a little to see how the story reads and I have noticed a lot of typos (Remember in chapter two I warned you about that!) I will eventually go back and do my best to correct them. 

"Bash what are you doing here?" Nell finally breathed out. She didn't realize she had been holding her breath until her fractured ribs were crying out in pain. 

"I couldn't wait for your call any more. I had to come see you with my own eyes. The last month has been torture." He gushed rushing over to her. He sat beside and hugged her. She flashed back to the love she had for him, She felt the feelings rush back and she hugged him ignoring the pain. 

"I honestly don't understand." Nell was so happy to see him, but he wasn't saying things she understood. 

"What do you mean? Didn't Charles tell you?" Bash sat back looking at Charles.

"I think he did say something, now that you say that, but I'm still confused, what are you doing here?" Nell said looking from Bash to Charles and back. 

"He didn't tell you? The message cut off, you only got the first half! I finished it but it never delivered. I was most definitely NOT breaking up with you!" He hugged her again. Her head started spinning.

"Ok, slow things down and tell me like I was five." Nell said feeling off kilter. 

Bash pulled out his phone and cued up the message. She saw the message that she had memorized.

B: I'm so sorry My Juliette, I hate to say it but I just don't want us

Her heart hurt when she saw it, but then underneath there was another message

B: Oops, didn't mean to hit send. I meant I hate to say it but I just don't want us to be worrying about next year yet. I don't know if we will apart next year and I don't know  where I will get accepted. I hope we get to rule XOU together again though.

Nell didn't know what to say. She looked at Charles who was still standing in the middle of the room. 

"And you KNEW this? How long did you know?" She was shocked. She had been home for a week and he had not mentioned it a second time. She vaguely remembered him mentioning something about calling Bash, but it was only mentioned the one time, and he never eluded to something like this. She looked at Charles who looked uncomfortable and she was getting angry. Her chest hurt both from the physical exertion of being upset and the emotional shock. 

"When I thought that maybe you were with him and I went to his house. He told me that day." Charles said looking at her for a reaction and avoiding Bash's gaze. 

"You said you would get her to call me." Bash said evenly trying not to show his frustration and anger. 

"I did, and I meant to remind her, I did!" Charles reacted to Bash rolling his eyes angrily. "Nell, you HAVE to believe me. Remember it was like one of the first things I said to you? I did tell you. Should I have reminded you? Yes, probably, but you have been a little distracted if you haven't noticed!" Charles was pacing and speaking louder. 

"Charles, stop it! You KNOW that you were hoping that I would just go away. Be honest. You didn't actually want her to call me." Bash stood and faced Charles with tension in his voice and his muscles.

"Bash, you don't know me. I want NELL to be happy and I see her happy with me. She doesn't get sad and mad and frustrated constantly. Did you know that? You are so quick to blame, but did you ever even address why she needed a break from you in the first place?" Charles' chest was puffed up and he was posturing against Bash pulling himself up to his full height. 

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