20 | Screwed To The Bones~

Start from the beginning

Maki, who's had enough, pushed his glasses up his nose. "Still a no. Let's go. You're sparring with Eith today."

"You're kidding!" Cale stepped backwards in surprise, which caused his back to collide with someone's front. He scowled, then slowly turned. "Who the hell—?"

Nique and Cale glowered at each other. Maki froze at the stormy tension that clouded in the atmosphere. Beside Nique was his bowtie-wearing servant, Sergei, who still looked like he had murderous intentions at anybody he looked at.

Sergei gave Maki a tight-lipped smile. Ahh, it's that smile again.

Cale said, "Woah!" He leaped back. He tilted his head like he saw something strange. "Your eyes are red. Wait—have you been crying?!"

Nique, who looked every bit annoyed, turned his head away. "And why would I be crying?! Some lemon juice got into my eyes! Lay off and move it, cow-face. You're in the way!" He shouldered his way past Cale, who just honestly looked stunned.

"Rude much?" Cale muttered as he watched the two leave. "Can't believe someone as arrogant as him has someone following him around. Must be hard for that bowtie."

Maki massaged the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "You know, you and Monique have similar personalities." It was true. If Nique and Cale had met under different circumstances, they might even become good friends.

Cale laughed. He laughed so hard that he snorted. He pointed an appreciative finger at his companion. "Good one, Maki. I didn't know you had a wicked sense of humor."

He walked away, shoulders shaking in laughter, and Maki just stood there, confused and wondering what was so funny. But he never really understood Cale fully well. He understood Cale by the size of a jar when the things he still tried to figure out about him was the size of a dam. Cale spoke a different language sometimes.

"Hey, fresh meat!" Maki heard Cale shout. Cale was walking towards where Eith stood conversing with Micah.

Eith jumped, then hesitantly turned to Cale like he was unsure on what to do next. Eith pointed at himself. "M-Me?"

"Who else?" Cale said. And then he stood in a stance—legs wide apart, dual swords in front of him in an X. "I heard we're up against each other. Fight me!"

Micah held out a hand. "Hold on. Eith and I are still in the middle of—"

Cale let out a battle cry. He sprinted forward towards Eith, swords ramrod straight behind him. He sped like the wind.

Maki gritted his teeth. "Cale!" Not again.

Eith raised his axe in front of him horizontally just as Cale's swords clashed with the axe's handles, and both red and green moonstones pulsed to life at the sudden collision.

A surge of power vibrated in the air, and that was when both Eith and Cale skidded backwards, the space between them distancing. Dust gathered around their feet just as their momentum stopped.

"Cale! That was uncalled for!"

It was Maki who lectured him, but Cale probably could not hear him anyways, because the look on his face was nowhere near rational. He was smiling like he knew he was the destroyer.

He whirled the swords in his hands. "Give me your best shot, Hansel!"

He rushed forward for the second time, and Maki could only watch as Eith countered with a swish of his blade in the air. It cut through the air like a knife on a fruit. Cale stumbled a few steps but managed to regain his footing.

Cale closed in on Eith's space, then his whole body swiveled in the air. Eith flew himself back but he was too slow as Cale's blade cut a piece of his caramel hair. The lock feathered down to the ground.

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