23 | Sloppy, Sloppy Runaways [REVISED]~

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Present Day
Bargeesa Island

Seren had been sucked out from her sleep with a gasp.

Her metallic hands reached for the spot where her heart lurched, clutching the fabric of her shirt as she attempted to calm the pounding in her chest. Once she had accomplished to subside it, she forfeited to rest her head against the cold wall.

She had never been one to favor sleep, but she wished she could at least get a grain of rest without having to remember. It made her lost in her thoughts--those dangerous, dangerous thoughts that did nothing but make her fall into the abyss every single time. She was stuck in the past. It was hard not to, with her falling into a deep slumber and then waking up to a dead world where she knew nothing and no one. What was she supposed to do, and why did she dream of that day? Everything served its purpose.

She thought perhaps it was because she was in a similar predicament. She was imprisoned that day when Astra came to take her back home, but somehow she wished that Astra should never have come for her, because then he would be the one to still be breathing on this very day, and the burden would not fall on her.

Would it have happened that way? If it was Astra, I am sure he would have done everything differently. But what silly games, she thought, that fate was playing with her, which made her mind go into chaotic anger. She pulled on her hair. So many good people died just for fate to proceed with its grand plan. So many good people, gone, and a single troublemaker left alone to figure out what to do by herself. Fate was cruel.

Seeing that she had just regained her senses after being thrown off by that dream, or so she thought, she looked through the bars that kept her caged up in a stanky cell. She saw a blonde head that belonged to a young man. Her heart lurched at the sight of him.

"Astra!" she called out in excitement, holding herself against the bars. "Astra, you're here? I can't believe it!"

The young man stirred in his sleep, turning his head to Seren's direction and, apparently, seeming to look confused. "Hmm? Who? Astra? Who the hell's that?"

Her smile dropped. Suddenly, everything was clearer. Her eyes went dark and she slumped against the wall.

Rubbing the leather of her gloves down her face, she released a pitiful sigh. Why would Astra be here, anyways. She realized that the dream must have fogged up her senses, and it looked like she was starting to hallucinate as well. It was because of this realization that she realized that she was in the first stage of going completely crazy, or perhaps she was already on the second stage. She knew, without a doubt, that if she stayed in here any longer, she was going to lose herself and retreat to insanity.

"A friend?" Nero inquired. "A relative? Teacher?... A lover?"

Seren unburied her face from her palms to give him a stinky look. "Not your business."

"Well, you," he positioned himself to sit up straighter. "I'm offended that you forgot my name, not to mention you mistook me for somebody else when I'm quite sure my face is like no other."

Wow, Seren made a face while looking away. The ego in this guy is enough to make a pregnant lady have a miscarriage.

"That has happened before, once. Just to inform you," Nero said.

I said that out loud, didn't I?

"I forgive you, just this once. Only because you seemed to have woken up after having a bad dream."

"How did you..." she trailed off. Does he read minds?

"Not a mind reader," he said, his hands in the air. Seren eyed him suspiciously. "You were sleeping and muttering the same name really, really loud. Enough to make me miss the guy when I, in fact, don't even know him." He frowned, drawing with his finger a teardrop down his cheek. "Poor guy."

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