Chapter 57: Statis Quo

Start from the beginning

"I know the reason," said Bain ashamedly. "Father is a coward. He would rather keep his head down than fight."

"Your father's eyes are not those of a coward," stated Thorin. "I do not pretend to know his reasons for holding back, but your father is more of a fighter than his friend. If Eric were wise he would take counsel from your Father." The boy was quiet, his face sullen for many long moments and Thorin knew better than to press him. Young people had to be left to make their own decisions and the more they were pressed the more they resisted.

"You really think my father is a fighter?" asked Bain at last. Thorin nodded.

"It's in his eyes. Tell me, where is your father?"

"You're not going to tell him are you?" asked Bain, a hint of panic in his young voice. Thorin considered for a moment.

"That depends more on what your father has to say to me. But I would be much surprised if your father is not already aware of the situation. He's no fool," said Thorin bemused. Bain's shoulders dropped in defeat. "Now, where can we find him?"

"I knew this was coming," sighed Ranson, rubbing his hand over his forehead. "Eric has been more secretive than normal." He leaned back in the chair and surveyed Thorin and Legolas before glancing at his son. Bain sat with his head hung low, the weapons he had been smuggling were laid out on the table before them. Just before they had entered Ranson's home Bain had insisted that he would be the one to tell his father.

"I'm sorry Da," said Bain meeting his father's gaze.

"While I can hardly say I'm pleased with your choice, I understand it. Still, I can not allow you to participate, in fact I mean to find Eric and put a stop to this altogether. He's a fool to try and move now of all times."

"Why? Why do you do nothing? The people would rally to you," insisted Bain. "Step up and they will follow you."

"I can't," said Ranson wearily, folding his arms over his chest.

"Can't or won't?" shot Bain agitated. He rose and began to pace. "Do you want Tilda and Sigrid to always look over their shoulders in fear? Do you like being taxed out of our livelihood and having to smuggle weapons to assure our safety? Why will you not fight to protect us?"

"I am protecting you," growled Ranson, bringing Bain up short. "You know nothing of having to constantly look over your shoulder. Do you think I enjoy this place? I do not, not in its current state, but I can't afford to draw attention to myself. It's not safe."

"Are you really that frightened of the Master," scoffed Bain.

"There are more terrible and dangerous things in this world than a corrupt leader," said Ranson. "Sometimes it is more prudent to hide than to fight. There are some enemies you simply can't win against. I do not fear the Master, he is a power-drunk fool, but if I were to orchestrate a rebellion it would draw unwanted attention to our family and put us all at risk."

Thorin listened to the heated exchange trying to learn not only from what was said, but what went unsaid. What enemy drove this man into hiding? Was it worth it to ally himself and the company to him, or would it prove more dangerous? Thorin scoffed internally at that foolish thought. How could it get any worse? Saurman wanted Sara as a captive as did Azog and his master Sauron. Could there be any more dangerous trio? No, the real question would be if Ranson was willing to ally with them.

"Why have you never spoken of this?" demanded Bain. "Why are we in hiding? Who..." but he was cut off by a knock at the door. Ranson raised his hand, silencing his son.

"Enter," said Ranson. The door opened to reveal Eric. His eyes darted around the room anxiously until they landed with relief on Bain.

"There you are. I have been looking for you everywhere. Where have you..." But he stopped upon spying the table's contents.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now