Chapter 17 - Samantha

Start from the beginning

"I'm taking you out for dinner." He announces, butterflies take flight in my stomach.

"We are going on a date." I exclaim.

"Yeah, you don't want to?"

"I'd love to!" I quickly exclaim.

He shuts my notepad and laptop, "Then get ready, I've already informed Carla."

I hug his neck, "God you are the best!" I exclaim making him smile.


I get dressed in a blue long gown that has a slit over my thighs. Marta, my personal beautician does my makeup and hair.

I walk downstairs and find him waiting for me, dressed like Prince Charming. He lifts me by my hips and kisses my cheek, he sets me down smiling.

"Someone's happy today." I say, he wraps an arm around me.

"Words can't explain darling."

He helps me get in the car then gets besides me. "So, where are we going?" I ask excitedly.

"Somewhere nice." He looks out, I has me smiling. He's scared he'll slip out the location if he talks more. I watch the trees pass by, it's been so long since I went out.

The car parks outside a luxurious looking hotel, Jasper and I look at each other. "You'll like it." He takes my hand and steps out. We people come in to greet him and our four guards stand behind us. It's like we are on a group date.

Jasper holds my hand and leads me inside, the manager shows us to our table.

He orders champagne which has me asking, "What's the occasion?"

He clinks his glass with mine, "You are the occasion darling." His smile sets goosebumps over my skin.

I drink up trying to hide the bustling nerves, I know this feeling. The feeling that makes me feel like I'm flying but actually falling.
Fallinv in love.
With Jasper.
My husband.

The realization has my heart on fire, he orders food and I busy myself with the view of our beautiful kingdom.

"Like the view?" Jasper's voice ask for my attention, I turn to him watching me.

I shrug, "It's beautiful." I drink the remaining champagne in my glass. The other tables are far from ours which gives us a lot of privacy to talk. There aren't many people anyway.

"It indeed is." He says which makes me smile. The food arrives, I can't help but steal a glance of him once a while, the way he cuts the meet, the way he chews, the way his fingers move, the way he drinks, everything seems intresting all of a sudden.

"Jacob taught me horse riding yesterday." I say, let's start with smaller topics.

"You liked it?"

"Yes! Horses are my favorite animals now. Also he told me all the stories of you falling from your favorite horse."

"Nothing of that sort happened, Milano just tripped."

"And you flew off him." I try to not laugh, he glares at me.

"Accidentes happen."

I shrug, "They do, like how you drank Madam Carla's medicine thinking it was alcohol." I laugh, he groans.

"That was an innocent mistake because I didn't know what alcohol tasted like and my friends pulling a prank on me isn't my fault!"

I laugh harder at the fact that he actually believed that the herbal remedy was alcohol.

Jasper sighs with a smile, "Well I've heard things about you too." He says confidently which as me raising my brows.

"And what are they?"

"That you planned on marrying Duke Samuel." His eyes are accusesing.

"I was twelve!" I exclaim and he shrugs. I roll my eyes and drink up.

The waiter clears the plates and brings the desert. "Ready for your surprise?" He asks as I finish my brownie, I narrow my eyes at him.

"I thought this was the surprise." I point at the food, he shakes his head and asks for my hand.

I place my hand in his, he kisses it while watching me. It makes me blush. He pulls out an envelope from his suit and sets it on the table.

I pull my hand and open the letter. My eyes widen as I read the content, "You are kidding." I read it again. "There's no way!" I exclaim, he seems to be enjoying my reaction.

"Jasper you got me an island?"

He shrugs, "You said you liked them." He says likes I asked for a stuff toy.

I read the letter again which says I now own a freaking island!

"This is unbelievable." I can't stop the grin that spreads over my face.

He drinks his champagne, "You'll like it."

"I already do." I hold the letter to my chest, "It isn't even my birthday."

"I don't need a reason to buy you a gift." I get up and hug him, he holds my waist and smiles up at me.

"Thank you so much Jasper." I mean every word.

"The pleasures all mine darling."


I love you all so freaking much!! Your support is all I want!

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