"Wow! That's great Bellamy. So your going to stay?" I ask him. I sit beside him and slightly hug him. It was more of a friend hug. Like a fist bump. Idk.

"Only if you stay. You told me the camp needed me here, well I need you." He suggests.

He smiles again.

God that smile.

I wanted to stay. I couldn't.

I don't know. Maybe.

I'll leave when it's right. I guess.

"Okay. For now, I'll stay." I respond. There it is again, that damn smile. We have this moment that reminds me of how we almost kissed earlier. It feels the same. I watch as he slowly leans in, he puts his hand on my cheek to pull me into him.

He didn't kiss me. He hugged me.

What the fuck?


After I left the tent I saw the silent camp and decided to head to bed. Bellamy Blake almost kissed me. Stop. Why can't I stop thinking about it, it wasn't that serious, it's not like he likes me or anything. It was heat of the moment, we were both happy.

I wake up the next morning to Jaha speaking on the tv thing Raven had built. Talking about Unity day, great.

"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." I hear Miller say from the front of the crowd. I but through to the front and before I had a chance to say anything Raven interjects,

"You shut up, Miller. No ones forcing you to watch." Queen Raven has spoken. I knew I liked her.

"Nice." I whisper to Raven. She looks at me and laughs. We walk away from the crowd and see Bellamy walking out of his tent.

"Looks like he got hit by a train." Raven mentions. I agreed, he looked like shit. He could use a day off.

"Yeah my god. I'll uh- I'll be right back." I tell Raven as I walk towards Bellamy. He yawns and rubs his eyes before looking to me.

"Morning. You look like hell." I joke to him. He begins to walk away and I walk beside him. "So I was thinking we go on a little walk. Trust me, you'll like it." I ask him. This wasn't a date, just friends hanging out.

"I can't just leave Avery." He responds. Hmm this might be harder than I thought.

"Fine I'll just go by myself and I don't know, get eaten by a grounder? Or a giant water snake?" I say jumping in front of him. He looks at me and raises his eyebrow and crosses his arms.

"Fine. A short walk. Why do you even want to go anyways?" He asks. I ignore him and start walking out the gates. He tells Clarke that we'll be right back and follows behind me.

"Where are we going?" He asks me.

"You'll see."


"A waterfall? Why are we here Avery seriously. What if the grounders come? We have no weapons." He says. I begin to take my clothes off, not all though. I leave my tank top and underwear on and jump in.

Hoping theres no flesh eating monsters.

"Avery!" I hear Bellamy scream. He doesn't seem to want to come in, so I pretend to drown, ya I know it mean but he needs this no matter how much he thinks he doesn't.

I flail my arms around and watch as panic falls upon his face. I honestly couldn't really see what he was doing anymore because I was underwater half the time. I hear a splash and feel his hands around my waist pull me up.

"Are you okay?" He asks as we get to the shallow part of the little lake we were in. I just start to laugh.

"Hey you got in!" I laugh. He splashes me and I splash him back. We keep going until he grabs me and throws me into the deep water. I come back to the shallow and push him. I couldn't throw him. We swim(ish) towards the waterfall and go underneath, there was a cave on the other side. We crawl into the cave and lay on the ground beside each other for a while. We sit up and look at each other and just laugh.

"I missed you Avery." He says in between laughs. I missed him too.

A lot.

"I missed you too. This you." I say. Shit I didn't mean to say this you. He's going to be so confused.

"This me? What do you mean?" He asks.

How do I tell him that I don't like the person he's becoming. I understand he has to, this is how he survives but, when does he get to be himself again?

"I mean like ever since you got on the ground you've been... different." I say. In the nicest tone possible. He looks at me and goes numb.

"Yeah. Sorry." He says. He jumps back into the waterfall and I lose sight of him.


I get out of the cave and watch as he's putting his clothes on. It's almost dark out? How long have we been here. I mean the hike took pretty long but damn.

"You coming?" He asks. Why did I have to say that. Whatever. He can cry about it all he wants, he's not going to change. We've grown apart. This wasn't going to work.

"I'm sorry okay?" I call out to him as he walks away. He turns back but plants his feet.

"We're both different. We might have had feelings for each other in the ark and still some now but it's wrong Bellamy. We don't belong anymore. You're you, a leader and I'm me." I say as I put my clothes on. He starts walking towards me.

"You can't just do that Avery. You can't just say you have feelings for me and then say it won't work. Why won't it work?" He replies, inches away from my face.

"Because." I answer.

"Because why?" He asks.

"Because no matter how long we've liked eachother we aren't right together. It's messy we'll fight about everything." I say.

"Fine. Then I guess we'll just ignore everything." He turns and starts walking away.

"Fine with me!" I yell out.

"Fine with me too!" He yells back.

K? Like...

Bellamy being such a dick tbh😫


Please keep reading it gets better!

I'm proud of you<3

1752 words.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now