We Were Bored

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Blake POVI had just gotten off the phone with Natalia, we made plans to have dinner together tomorrow in my dorm

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Blake POV
I had just gotten off the phone with Natalia, we made plans to have dinner together tomorrow in my dorm. My dorm that was still just as undecorated as the day I moved in. I should really do something with that spare room. I went to grab some water from my fridge, all of the sudden I heard the sound of my window opening. I ran over to the window only to see Alex struggling to get through my window.

"Hello Alex. What brings you here after curfew?" I ask smiling.

He managed to squeeze his body through the window which resulted in him falling on my floor.

"Oh your know just the usual." He answered standing up.

Reid's head popped out of nowhere. He shuffled through the window as well.

"Hi Blake. How's it going?" Reid asks casually.

"Can't complain. I hope you don't mind my asking but why did you two just Come through my window?" I question.

"We were bored. Carter and James will be crawling through the window any second." Reid said.

Reid was right Carter and Jamie came tumbling in.

"Hey Blake, you wanna watch a movie or something?" Carter asked.

"I did not sneak through her window just to watch a movie." Jamie said annoyed.

"Then tell us what you'd like to do James." Reid says

Jamie was about to say something but I interrupted him.

"I haven't gotten a chance to go to the library." I told them.

"Okay..." Alex says confused.

"We should sneak into the library." I exclaim.

"Out of all the things in the world we could do you want to sneak into a library." Carter laughs.

"Well if you don't like my idea why don't you guys go to a club or something and I'll go to the library by myself." I say putting my shoes on.

"How are you going to get passed security?" Alex asks.

"I'm not sure yet." I say walking out of my room.

"This is so lame." Carter complains.

"No ones forcing you to come. I need a new book so this works out well for me." Reid threw an arm around my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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