Perfectly fine.

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Blake POVBefore leaving my room I grabbed my bag and checked the time

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Blake POV
Before leaving my room I grabbed my bag and checked the time. It was only 7:15, I started walking to the dining hall. I was nervous. I hoped I could find all my classes okay. And more importantly I hope the dining hall served good food, after all I would be eating it for a year. I took the stairs so I wouldn't have to stand uncomfortably close to a stranger in an elevator. As I walked through the living room and out the door I felt eyes one me. Girls were whispering and staring. They weren't whispering quiet enough, because I heard almost everything they said. Is that Blake Laurent, I thought she was in Paris, I love her shoes, I heard she was nice, I heard she was a stuck up bitch, she is to gorgeous, she better stay away from my boyfriend, I heard she had plastic surgery there is no way she's that beautiful naturally, since when did Blake Laurent attend Rosemonte. That sums up the whispers I heard. At least they weren't to harsh. The entire walk to the dining hall I continued to here whispering, at least this time I couldn't hear what they were saying. Five minutes in and I already feel like I'm ready to leave, I walk up the steps of the academy hall and walk straight into the dining room. Before I can get in line for breakfast I feel someone tap my shoulder. It was Reid King. Reid's father, Garret King, owned one of the most popular chocolate factories in all of Europe. Reid and Jameson became best friends when they were nine. Reid's parents divorced when he was nine, his mother, Charity Sawyer, moved to Paris while his father stayed in Belgium, so Reid would travel back and forth from Paris to Belgium. I met Reid through Jameson, he was always so kind to me and he could make me laugh so easily. Jamie and I had visited Reid's fathers mansion in Belgium a few times. Jameson and I were lucky to have him in our lives back then, he is the definition of sweet. I had a small crush on Reid when I first met him, I was absolutely boy crazy at that age, I had crush on almost every boy I met. He came here freshman year just like Jamie. He looks so different he always had amazing bone structure, but he's a lot taller than he was back then, he let his black curly hair grow out a little, and his muscles are prominent even from underneath the uniform. To sum it up he is hot.

"Reid!" I scream as I jump into his arms. He wraps them around me tightly.

"Holy shit Blake when did you get so gorgeous." Reid says as we let go of each other.

"I could ask you the same question. I missed you." I tell him.

"I missed you too, I heard rumors that people saw you around school, but I didn't think much of them. I can't believe you enrolled at Rosemonte. Blake I really couldn't be happier that your here, but why are you here?" He asks.

"My father is living in Switzerland for the year and he asked me to come with him. Also the privacy this school offers is to good to pass up." I tell him.

"I definitely don't miss having crazy people chasing me down the streets trying to take pictures. Whats your class schedule look like?" Reid asked.

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