Hello Again

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Blake POVI woke up to the sound of my alarm

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Blake POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. If only I could sleep for a bit longer. I sat up and admired the mountains through the window. I was at peace for about about two minutes than I remembered what happened yesterday. Last night I looked out at the view till my eyes started to close, than I headed to the bedroom and set my alarm. I no longer felt as great as I did when I woke up, I was a bit nervous to see the school. It was 8:12  Saturday day morning and I had to be at the school by 9:30. I suppose I should start to get ready, but there are to many thoughts in my head. I left so fast yesterday I didn't even say goodbye to my friends, although I'm sure they wouldn't mind to much. It's not like I was close with them, I knew they liked my status more than me. But they taught me how to really enjoy a party, we all used each other. They'll find out I left eventually, I'm sure if word hadn't already spread about my departure it would very soon. I won't miss the constant gossip that surrounded Paris. Of course I did have one good friend. Her name is Natalia she's my age, she is my fathers assistants daughter. She's also one of my favorite people in the world. She's nice, fun, and compassionate. My fathers assistant always traveled with him, his name is Henry and he's a very hard worker. Natalia and her mom always accompanied Henry, they are a tight knit family that couldn't be separated. There was a good chance she moved here as well. I sent Natalia a text.

Hellos my beautiful friends! By any chance did you move to Switzerland?

Didn't take more than a minute to get a reply.

Hello gorgeous! I was waiting for you to text me Blakey. My flight got in this morning. Switzerland is so pretty! I heard you got in last night. My dad, mom, and I are settling into the condo we rented for the year. I wasn't planning on moving with them but when my dad told me you were coming to Switzerland I couldn't possibly say no. I am beyond confused you love Paris. And my mom said your mom was livid about your move. What's going on???

I didn't know what to tell her. I wasn't sure I fully knew what was going. Scratch that I definitely don't know what's going on.

It's a very odd situation Nat. I'm still confused about what happened. My meeting with the school board ends at 12, do you wanna meet for lunch at 1 at the hotel.

I wish the text wasn't so vague but there is no way I am texting out what happened, and why I wanted to leave Paris so I wouldn't have to live with her.

Oh Blakey sounds great. Any excuse to see you and get out of this boring condo. See you then ma belle friend.

After I texted her the hotel address I called room service and ordered strawberry crepes for breakfast. Once again it got here in no time at all. After eating the delicious food I walked to the bathroom. I took a very quick shower, washed my face, and straightened my hair. After that I had to pick out my outfit for the day. I hadn't had a chance to unpack anything so I picked a random suitcase to open up. Let's see what I can find. I decided on a a baby blue dress paired with a fake fur white coat, and some white heeled boots. The school is 34 minutes from the hotel my driver is supposed to pick me up at 8:50. It was currently 8:52. I ran out of my room into the elevator. I speed walked though the lobby and out the doors, then got straight into the car. My driver took off the moment I strapped in. Hopefully the traffic was decently light. From what I've heard this isn't an institution that excepts anything less than perfection, which includes being on time. During the car ride I began texting my dad to get more information on the school. He told me to walk in through the grand front entrance. Then make one left turn and I would arrive at the office, the headmaster would be waiting to give me the tour. He also told me that I would adore the library. The school I was attending in Paris had no sports or clubs. My father was trying to sell me on joining something this year. Maybe they had a club or sport that would grab my attention, I'll have to wait and see.

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