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During Jungkook's nap, Tae was able to dress the baby in its clothes which Tae and Jungkook had prepared in the baby bag made for when Jungkook went into labour. The outfit was a light grey fluffy onesie, which had a small hood with small bunny ears on top. The outfit was for a new born and was a perfect fit for Subin.
Taehyung couldn't stop gushing over her. She was beautiful, so beautiful and what made him even more happy she had features of both him and Jungkook. The child was perfect and she looked like an angel, she was the cutest child he had ever seen, and that wasn't just him thinking that because it was his daughter, he meant it. She was stunning for a baby who was born only a few hours ago.

"Look at you not waking your mama up hm" Tae played around with his daughter softly.
She had already developed a habit of clutching your finger when changing her, caressing her, just softly touching her, she would clutch onto your finger with her tiny hand and just look at you with the widest eyes and a tiny curve on her lips, arching like a smile almost.
"Why do you have to be so goddamn cute sweetie?" Taehyung asked to the speechless baby who only weirdly smiled as a response not having a clue what her father was saying as his speech was just a noise.

"You know you have the best mama ever right. You don't know how lucky you are. I mean you also have the best dad ever but your mama is incredible and he's been through a lot, but already he's started a family with a very beautiful kid, and a very handsome husband" Tae chuckled as he complimented himself, giving a small ego boost.

The baby slowly put her hands up and clenched and unclenched her hands while looking straight at Tae with boba eyes. Tae was surprised and gathered she probably was just stretching but he just pretended she wanted to be picked up. He scooped her into his arms, cradling her protectively and rocked the baby back and forth. He watched as her eyes grew heavy as he rocked her back and forth. Till finally for the nth time she fell asleep, but in her fathers hold.

A few hours had passed and the rest of the group and his parents had already arrived. Jungkook had just woken up from his nap and was currently feeding the baby with warm milk which Tae had made earlier with the help of a nurse while Jungkook and the baby was asleep. The others were around the bed but leaving some space so the baby didn't freak out.
"She's actually so cute, what did you finally decide to call her?" Mrs Kim asked, looking at her granddaughter with purity.
"Subin" Tae smiled as he sat next to the younger.

"Can I say hello to Subinie" Seung asked with pleading eyes, begging in a hushed tone.
"Of course bub" Tae smiled proudly at his sister, before holding his hand out for her so he could bring her towards the baby.
She took his hand and Tae picked the girl up into his lap. His sister sat on Tae's lap comfortably while looking at Subin a little closer.
"She's so pretty" Seung caressed the baby's head softly not wanting to hurt her, or disturb her feeding.
"You're an auntie now bub, how do you feel?" Tae chuckled to his sister.
"I'm an auntie!" She gasped, but not too loudly so she doesn't make the baby cry.

The group all laughed at the girl with her reaction. Jungkook smiled, happy that Seung already loved her niece and he could see that she was going to be a great auntie. They all began talking again till Jungkook had finished feeding her which took longer than expected as she took her time, plus a lot was running down her cheek like a small stream as she wasn't able to swallow it all.
"Here do you want to hold her and pass her around?" Jungkook asked to his friends knowing they would be fine holding her.
Jin went first and smiled brightly seeing her smack her mouth as she had just finished drinking the milk and was still learning how to swallow.
Jin caressed her small peachy cheeks, and his heart warmed at just the sight of the kid. He slowly passed her to Jimin whole was getting baby fever just looking at the baby from a distance, but even more now that she was in his arms.

As they passed the baby around she began to cry after reaching Mrs Kim. Mrs Kim began to rock the baby but she didn't calm down. She obviously didn't freak out because she had two children herself.
"Maybe she needs burping" Mrs Kim suggested helping the baby up and placed her head on her shoulder and began patting her back.
Soon later she made a small hiccup and her cries began to stop.
"There we go" She bounced her softly in her arms making the group smile.

Before they knew it their had come to an end and they all had to leave. They all said their good byes to the couple and the baby. It took longer for Seung to leave but Tae promised that  she can come see her soon. They left and Tae shut the door so no outside noises woke the baby. Tae took the child into his arms and noticed how she was getting sleepy. He rocked her softly before putting her into the crib which the nurses had supplied for the couple. She let out a small yawn before falling asleep.

Tae moved his hands away slowly and began cleaning the hospital room.
"How are you feeling?" Taehyung asked as he put cups in the bin.
"Okay, just tired still. My stomach hurts a bit, but that's normal as it was a c-section" Jungkook sighed snuggling into the hospital duvet which was surprisingly comfortable.
He made sure there was space next to him so Tae could snuggle down next to him once he was done with clearing up.

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