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Not too far away, lived a 19 year old called Jeon Jungkook. He lived by himself in an apartment which was quite close to the academy he was attending. He was training to become a firefighter. The boy was already in his last month of training and was only weeks away of being recruited somewhere hopefully.

Ever since he was a young child he had grown up wanting to become a firefighter. His parents died in a fire but Jungkook was saved, and he was saved by a firefighter. Then on Jungkook had wanted to follow in the footsteps of his hero and wanted to save lives like the stranger did for him. He felt it was his best option to return the favor. Even though his parents died, he was saved and given a life to live to the fullest, so saving people was a way of doing that.

Jungkook had moved to Seoul a year or so ago, moving away from his hometown Busan, where he lived with his foster parents. He wanted to move away as soon as he could, and pursue his dream. But his foster parents kept holding him back, however one day he gained the courage and walked out after 2 years of saving up for this moment. His foster parents weren't the kindest people ever, actually far from kind, they just wanted a kid to do all the chores.

Jungkook had just finished getting ready for the day. He was wearing a navy blue tshirt which had 'Seoul's fire fighter academy' on the back, paired with black cargo trousers. It wasn't very flash, as the clothing would be drenched in sweat once he got home in the evening. He quickly ruffled his hair before going to the kitchen. He drank the rest of the smoothie he made yesterday and quickly made himself avocado on toast.

Once he was done, he put on his black boots and his black backpack. He grabbed his ID card and phone, before heading out for the day. He walked to the bus station early in the morning and waited for the local bus to arrive, while listening to music. This was his normal daily routine which he had kept up for the 6 months. Firefighter training only lasts for around 16 weeks, but Jungkook wanted to get a bit more training in with fitness.

He wasn't the most muscular person ever, but his muscles were visible, and he was much stronger than your average person. His whole physique was quite muscular, but it didn't match his personality at all. Jungkook was a soft, caring boy who had a great mindset on life. He hadn't cried ever since he lost his parents, which he didn't know if it was a good thing or not, but he used it as an advantage. During training they came face to face with a lot of nasty and disturbing images. Most people cried on the first time seeing the images of burnt bodies, but Jungkook didn't even flinch. Inside his heart was shattering but on the outside he didn't even blink. He's more delicate than he makes it out to be, and everyone just assumed he was this cold guy who wanted to save lives, which made no sense.

He made it at the academy pretty quickly. He showed his ID at the front office, before heading to his team room, where they discuss what was on the agenda for that day. He walked in to see a few of his class mates sitting in their assigned seats. Jungkook found it hard to settle in, and also didn't have any friends, not even within the academy. Everyone was jealous of the boy, he didn't cry or weep at any of the disturbing images, he had a growing mindset and never gave up, he was probably the best trainee out of them all. Because of that everyone would just call him a nerd and so on.

"Okay, so today you will be working in small groups, we are going to see your individual skills within intense heat. As you know we've already shown you the hottest heat you'll be greeted with, and we want to see how you would react with the main components you've been training for on their own. So this is for the last exam, and you'll be faced with things which will put you up to the test. So this just a practice run as you know your actual test will be in a few weeks"

Everyone in the room nodded their heads, and one by one they were called up to take the test.
"Jeon you're up" the chief called.
"Yes sir" Jungkook bowed and walked into the room.
He got himself kitted up, which was also timed by the chief, just to see how fast they could change. When he was done they got into the zone.
"Good luck" the chief spoke.
Jungkook nodded and walked in. He heard the door shut behind him. The aim was to get out on the other side, after rescuing the dummy from the fire. He was supposed to remember the details, and scan the room, as they would be questioned about the surroundings straight after.

The bell went and Jungkook quickly got to work. He grabbed the dragon flashlight and scanned the room. He took note of important things like the proportion of the room burnt, how the cause of the fire was from the cooker in the kitchen. After the quick scan of the room he ran around the area and saw a closed door. He kicked it open and ran into the room and was met with the hottest wave of heat he had ever felt. It was like that feeling when your finger touches something so hot you retract your hand away, but it was his whole body and he couldn't move.
"20 seconds and then i'm gone" Jungkook whispered, before rushing in.

He picked up the dummy and held it over his shoulder. He ran out the room and ran to the exit. He jumped out and put the dummy down.
"Jeon here" the chief yelled, while holding the timer and a piece of paper.
"What was the cause of the fire?"
"The cooker in the kitchen"
"What side was the most affected, left or right?"
"Right sir"
"With your judgement, what proportion of the kitchen was burnt?"
"2/3 of the kitchen was burnt"
"How long would it take for the whole building to collapse, if the fire kept burning?"
"Uhm, 15 minutes sir"

"You've done it again Jeon, not only have you beat the record time, you also got all the questions correct on the dot"

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