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⚠️There is a scene in this chapter which viewers might find triggering- sexual assault⚠️

"I really don't understand how the cats can even get up trees. Like if they get up why can't they get down" Hobi grumbled slouching in his seat.
"Legit, I really don't understand them things they waste our time" Jimin chuckled.
"Does that mean to don't love me?"
"We love you yoongs" Hobi laughed, kissing the elders cheek, which Jimin quickly did as well.
"Well that's us done for today! Do you wanna hang out tonight?" Jin asked as he pulled up at the station.
"Yesss" Jimin cheered with a few claps.
"Do you want to go?" Taehyung asked the younger.
Jungkook thought for a moment and nodded with a smile.
"Okay looks like we're all gonna go" Taehyung cheered making every one smile.

It was late at night and they were all walking down the street as a group.
"So where are we going for this hang out?" Jungkook asked as he looked up at the stars above them.
"Oh we go to a club every now and again, and so we're going tonight" Jin explained.
"A-a club!" Jungkook gasped in nerves.
Jungkook had only really just turned the age which he could finally go clubbing. Although he was 19, because of the korean age +1 year, he was at the age he was allowed in. But because of training and that, he never had the time to go and never found the excitement to go.
"Yeah although we don't get with any weirdos, it's just nice to let loose sometimes and dance the night away" Jimin cheered, dancing to no music.

They made it to the club and were queueing go go in. Taehyung stood behind Jungkook, very closely. They got to the door and the security guards checked their ID's before letting them in. Jin and Namjoon were at the front, Jungkook and Taehyung were in the middle and then the other 3 were behind. Jungkook looked at the sea of drunken people dancing against one another. While there were others scattered on the side drinking, or making out with random people. Jungkook scrunched his nose slightly in disgust. It wasn't really his kind of thing, nor was it Taehyung's place of enjoyment. He hated clubs and bars, and would always come up with excuses to get out of going.

The group began weaving through the crowd to get to seats. Taehyung watched as people brushed themselves up against Jungkook, which made him internally scream in anger. He quickly wrapped his arm around the younger's waist and pulled him into his chest protectively. Jungkook blushed softly, but felt the comfort from the elder once again, making him feel much safer.

They walked to a free table and sat down.
"Do you want me to get all the drinks?" Jin asked as he grabbed his wallet.
"Sure i'll come with you!" Taehyung spoke, standing up along with the elder.
"oh me too, I want to see what cocktails they have!" Yoongi sheepishly grinned.
Everyone told the three what they wanted, with Jungkook just settling with a cider, not really knowing what to have.
Hobi and Jimin decided to go to the dance floor, and dance the night away. While Namjoon and Jungkook were left at the table.

It had been a few minutes of the two chatting, before Namjoon told him that he needed the toilet. Jungkook told him that he would stay at the table so no one took it. Jungkook was sitting at the table nervously, not being able to see anyone he knew in sight.

"Hi sexy, are you looking for anyone?" a slur came from behind him. Jungkook felt someone sit down next to him and scoot the chair closer.
"please leave me alone" Jungkook gulped when he felt the older male lean close to his face.
"You're hot as fuck" he placed a hand on Jungkook's thighs moving it up and down on his inside leg.
Jungkook shoved his hand off and moved away.
"Come on cutie, why don't we go to a motel?"
"Please go away, I'm not going anywhere with you" Jungkook yelled, pushing away the male's hands in frustration and anger.

The man began leaving sloppy, drunk kisses down Jungkook's neck, making him tear up in stress, worry, frustration and helplessness. The hardest part, which no one could know unless you experience it, was the numbness your body goes through when being touched without any sort of consent. All you want to do is push them, scream at them, cry till the pain goes away. But your body goes on shutdown, you forget how to move, how to express your emotions and how to save yourself.

Jungkook could feel the males crusty lips against his skin while the chunky hand was caressing his thigh and over his crotch area. Jungkook wanted to throw up.
"Yah get the fuck away" Taehyung screamed angrily.
The man looked up in shock and quickly moved away. Taehyung grabbed the male's shirt and started shaking him.
"Get your drunk ass out of here, and leave him the fuck alone. Sober up pervert" Taehyung spat before letting go and pushing him away from their table.

Taehyung rushed to Jungkook's aid, and tried to calm the frozen boy down. But he didn't know what to do. Jungkook was frozen with tears falling down his face. He wasn't making a noise, he was just silently crying. Taehyung was about to reach out to him, but then again he thought about the boy and he tried to imagine what the boy would be feeling right now. But he couldn't so he didn't know if the boy wanted physical touch right now.

He went to Jungkook's side and crouched down, in front of the boy, so he could see the boys face.
"Jungkook it's Tae" Taehyung spoke loud enough for the boy to hear.
Taehyung waited a minute or so, till he watched the boy comeback to reality. Jungkook's eyes darted from side to side and then on Tae.
"T-tae" Jungkook cracked out with tears.
"Come here" Taehyung smiled softly, pulling the younger into a hug.
Jungkook quickly responded and held him tightly, as his face nuzzled into Tae's chest.
"Let's go home"

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