🚨authors note🚨

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Heyyyy, that's a wrap for I will love you...!! I really hope you all enjoyed reading it! Thank you so much for all of the support, it still mind blows me how far i've reached over the last few years, I was never expecting any of this so really thank you so much <3

As you know this book was a little different. It wasn't your regular kind of cliche story, and that's what I wanted. We live in a society where celebrities are the spotlight and service workers eg. firefighters, soldiers, nurses, police etc... are casted away, and rarely seen. Yes celebs and idols are amazing but the people behind the scenes need fame. When really they need all the fame, they continuously save lives everyday and don't get much recognition for it. So I wanted to bring it to light to show people and make them aware of the behind the scene workers.

So yes this book is a taekook fanfic, but it is also dedicated to firefighters as well as service workers in general. I want to thank them, if you/a family member/friend/neighbour, are part of the services, thank you so much, you work so hard day in and day out for our safety! so really thank you ❤️

I also touched on a few mental health problems, like ptsd, anxiety, depression. If any of you are struggling with any of the things mentioned in this book, or are struggling with something else, please. I can't urge you enough, reach out. I know it seems so hard, and you may feel like the world is falling but you need to pick yourself up and carry on with your head held high. Good things will come your way I promise, and no it won't be easy, but it's worth it. Because at the end of the day we only have one shot at life, so make the most of it. Life is too precious and it can be taken away in a second, so don't waste it.

If you haven't been told today, i'm so proud of you. You've come so far, even if you didn't make it out of bed today, i'm still proud of you okay because you made it to another day. Just hold on a little tighter and one day you'll be able to look back on yourself and stand proud.
Remember to love yourself, even if you can't yet, at least spare yourself self love instead of giving it all away, because you deserve your own love the most <3

If you need someone to talk to and you feel like you're alone, don't hesitate to message me either on wattpad or instagram. I will listen to you, because you are valued and you have worth.

Okay that's enough rambling from me. Thank you once again, I hope you stay tuned for my next book. I have written others so if you want to check them out then i will be eternally grateful but if not, I hope you have the best life <3

Love you all so so so much,
love from your author kezzy🤍

Peace out ✌️

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