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It had been a few weeks and the fire station was rather quiet. Almost too quiet. Everyone was relaxing and enjoying the break. But like the saying if it's quiet, a storm is brewing.

It was late morning and the couple had just woken up as their work would start in less than an hour. They received a news notification about a big apartment complex had caught fire. But the apartment was in a different county, so they thought that they wouldn't get called. But how they were wrong and what was ahead of them wouldn't be easy and would be the worst experience yet...

They started work and were all just chilling, before they got the call. The alert sound was heard making everyone jump from their seats. They all made their way down the fire pole and quickly kitted up. They jumped into the truck and began driving once given the address.

"Isn't that the apartm..."
"Group A, you'll be going to the apartment which caught on fire in another county. You'll be working alongside different stations, so just do whatever they tell you to do. The apartment complex is worse than we all imagined and they needed backup" the radio operator finished.
They all sat in the truck swallowing thick lumps which formed at the back of their throats.

"It's going to be a tough day today, not like any other days okay. We all need to be there for each other after today. Some of us might be faced with the burning heat, so be smart, and don't push yourself if you can't handle the heat for too long" Taehyung sighed, trying to discard the worry.
"We will probably be spilt up, meaning we are all going to have different stories, some more devastating than others. Again work hard and try your best. Everything will be okay and we're all here for each other okay" Taehyung reassured.
Everyone agreed and muttered I love you's to one another. After all they were a team, and they weren't ever alone.

Jungkook was the most anxious of them all. He had been looking at the reports about the apartment complex all morning and he knew the amount of casualties died in the fire was racking up. The fire spread up the apartment building which were the same height as some sky scrapers, making it hard for those at the top floor to escape. Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about the what if's which was no good for any firefighter. But this felt real, and uncontrollable.

Taehyung noticed the quietness of the younger and reached out to him, pulling the younger into his body. Jungkook placed his head next to the elders heartbeat and held the elders hands tightly.
"It'll be okay" Taehyung kissed the crown of the boys head.
"You're one of the best firefighters I know. I know you haven't been working long, you know everything. If you go into the building, work with the team you're set with. You'll all be in the same shoes. If you see any casualties, it will hurt because the photos in your training aren't anything like real life, but you've got to keep going okay. You're strong and I promise i'll continuously check up on you okay" Taehyung proposed the idea to the boy, which he immediately nodded to.

"I love you okay, we'll get through this, we all will" Tae raised his voice louder so the rest could hear.
Jungkook sighed and looked up at the elder. Tae smiled softly and leant down, pressing a kiss onto his lips.
"I love you too" Jungkook mumbled against the boys lips before pushing them back into a sweet kiss.
Tae held him protectively till they arrived. He would press small kisses on the boys head ever so often while everyone tried to talk about random things to distract themselves.

Each of the 7 firefighters were anxious but all of them were also excited. This was an event which will go down in history, and they were able to say they were the firefighters who were part of it. But they all knew deep down this was going to get traumatic and would stick with them for a long while.


Once they arrived they saw how much the building was up in flames.
"Everything will be fine, do your best" Tae instructed before they all jumped out of the truck.
Someone walked over to the group and introduced themselves as one of the chiefs of their fire station in another county. He gave the 7 a brief as to what was happening and so on. He explained that some of them would be needed to put the fire out, others would be need to go up into the building where the fire hasn't been put out to get casualties and what the state of the building was in. He also said that some of them might not even be needed, it was all just a waiting game.

The group walked around and saw firemen walk into the building, while others walked out. What they noticed was the people who walked out of the building looked numb, and almost dead like.
"Don't think about it, just do your job okay" Namjoon tried to turn their attention away from the firefighters dead like faces, which worked for a brief moment.

"Hey Bighit we need the leader so you can work with the chiefs" one of the fire crew says.
"Ah yeah that's me" Tae nodded.
"Okay let's go"
"I'll see you all later, remember what I said earlier" Tae said with sympathy.
As he walked off he turned around and made eye contact with Jungkook. Tae mouthed 'I love you' towards the boy before he turned around and walked away with the other.

Not long later someone else walked over to them.
"Hey guys so we need 3 men to go to group 5, 2 men at group 8 and 1 in group 12" She commanded.
"I'll go on my own" Jungkook nodded, taking one for the team, as he wanted the couples to be together.
"Kook are you sure, I can go if you would rather" Yoongi stepped in.
"It's fine, honest. I'll see you all later okay" Jungkook forced a smile to disguise his anxiousness.
"Good luck Kookie" Jimin cheered before they all split off into different directions.

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