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"Are you seeing a blob of light walking towards us?" Jimin asked with bewilderness.
"Uhm yes" Hobi hugged Jimin tightly.
"Why is there a huge group of people crowding in front of us?" Jin questioned in shock as he noticed that the glow was individual people each holding a lantern.

The group of people crowded around and began humming to the sweet tune. 7 children walked towards the men holding a lantern each and passed them to each of them. They all thanked the children and held the biodegradable lanterns.
On them were written 'Thank you to our hero's' in bold writing.

"Thank you for your help. You were all so brave and we wanted you to be part of our send off and prayers to those who lost their lives" someone in the crowd spoke up.
"We feel that the fire service don't get enough gratitude and here we are wanting to thank you all" another spoke up.
"We can't imagine what you must have witnessed that day and we can't imagine what you've been feeling all week. Just know we are by your side and praying for you all to be okay and safe. Our whole community thanks you and wants you to know how proud we are of you" a woman called out in a broken voice.

The 7 men were standing there stunned, as this wasn't something they had ever imagined would happen. Yes they did their job, and their job was to save lives, but no one ever knew the trauma that could be left with their job. Seeing innocent people dead from a mere fire accident which got out of hand, wasn't something deemed as easy.

Jungkook had his eyes full of tears as more people thanked them and complimented them. All this time he had been wallowing in pain and regret as he couldn't do anything for the innocent casualties. But reality finally hit and at the end of the day it wasn't his fault, and he took part in a big, tragic event and helped to stop the spread of the fire.

His doctor told him to think of the positives in his life and to remind himself that no matter what happens you'll always have them happy things which he could use to protect himself from the evil and the negative things. Of course the main thing he said when he was told to list some things, was his boyfriend, but then he realised his job was also a positive. It was his dream job after all and he had worked very hard to get in the place he was in. He made amazing friends, and his job was when he fell in love with the love of his life. He saved lives for a living instead of being someone who is sat on their ass all day long doing nothing. He was reminded that not everyday will be a good day, but there will always be some positive waiting for him.

So now finally, after a few days of feeling his worst, he was brought back to reality. He finally felt like he had worth which he had lost over the last few days. His heart warmed and could feel the strings tug at it with some sort of happiness. Jungkook felt the elders hand rub soothing patterns on his waist as he cuddled to his side, while tears slowly slid down his cheeks.
"You okay?" Taehyung asked worried as he knew the topic of the building had never been brought up due to the younger's mental state. He was worried that Jungkook might be crying because it was bring back the painful memories.
"I'm fine, in fact i'm more than fine. I'm better" Jungkook smiled through the tears looking up at Tae with his doe, sparky eyes, which had been looking so dull and lifeless.

Tae pressed a kiss on the boys head and smiled.
"I love you hyungie" Jungkook beamed, while making sure he didn't let go of the lantern.
"I love you more" Taehyung sighed with happiness, before turning his attention back to the group.
"Thank you for all you messages to us, we really appreciate your kindness" Taehyung thanked them.
"No thank you" they all yelled back.
"Okay so on the count of 3 we'll let go of these lanterns for those who risked and lost those lives. Okay so 1,2,3" the chief walked out as he counted making all his men smiled gratefully.

Everyone slowly let go of their lanterns and watched them all lift up into the sky. Jungkook smiled brightly and wrapped both his arms around Tae's torso, looking up above them. The bright lights drifted off into the nights sky turning into small stars into the night. Jungkook felt as though all the darkness which had been haunting him for the last few days lifted off along with the lantern. The tired, dark mentality was washed away.

As ridiculous as it sounded, Jungkook felt better within himself. He felt better about himself, and he finally felt the urge of wanting to work again. Their chief walked over towards him and Tae and greeted them.
"Hey are you feeling okay?" Bang Sihyuk asked with care.
"I'm fine thank you sir"
"If you need any more time off i'm happy to give you more time, as much time as you need" He spoke with worry.
"I think coming back next week will be fine sir" Jungkook smiled.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to hurt yourself, or push yourself!" Taehyung had wide eyes, not expecting the younger to say that.
"Tae its fine, i'll be fine" Jungkook nodded kissing the elders chest softly.
"Okay but don't be afraid to ask for more time" The chief nodded and gave a small smile before talking to the other 5.

Time passed and people gave the 7 bunches of flowers, they finally left and went home after a busy evening. They both got settled in bed and held each other in one another's arms. Jungkook let out a small yawn while nuzzling his nose into the boys neck.
"Are you tired bub?" Taehyung asked.
"Hm m'wanna sleep" Jungkook hummed with his eyes shut.
"Well sleep, i'll be right here if you need me" Tae kisses the younger's lips softly, and the two fell asleep with ease.

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