Chapter 15

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Warm sunlight streamed in through the gap in the curtains, kissing my milky skin in buttery hues and I sighed contentedly, sinking deeper into the white satin sheets. Surely this is what pure bliss felt like.

Turning over, I sought the warmth that had enveloped my whole being the night before and was happy when I located the sturdy chest of my husband, wrapping my arms around his waist before relaxing my aching muscles more, going slack, pleased at waking in his arms.

Adrien chuckled at my silly antics but wrapped a protective arm around my slight frame nonetheless.

"Katherine," He whispered in my ear, voice scraped rough around the edges by the clutches of slumber, his breath like a playful tickle that made me shiver.

"Mmm?"I hummed, hiding in the crook of his neck.

"It's time to get up, my love."

At this, I groaned in protest, pulling the covers over my head as well. Why would I give up this heaven for anything? Nope. Not happening. Nothing will coax me out of a few more minutes of shut eye. I was exhausted.

"Are you sure? Your breakfast is already waiting for you." Adrien murmured.

"I'm sure. 'm tiiiiiired." I whined somewhat childishly.

"Okay then," He began, and for a moment I thought I'd won this little game, until, "I'll just have to eat these pancakes by myself then."


I flung the comforter off and sat bolt upright, an impish smile tugging at my lips.

"On second thought, I am indeed famished. So, pancakes please?"

Adrien laughed, booping my nose lightly, before indicating over my shoulder. There, on the rosewood nightstand, was a tray with a cup of tea, a stack of pancakes, a bowl of strawberries and a single red rose.

I felt giddy inside when I placed the tray on the bed between us, a blush dusting my cheeks like a fresh layer of snow on the mountains.

"No one has ever brought me breakfast in bed before." I whispered shyly, not meeting the eyes of the handsome singer beside me, whose luscious dark locks stood in slight disarray.

Adrien picked up the rose before tucking it behind my ear, all of his movements gentle and precise, especially when he tucked a stray strand of my strawberry blonde curls away, cradling my cheek in his palm.

"A pretty flower for the prettiest girl in my life."

My heart was racing, making me feel dizzy on euphoria as a feeling of being loved sizzled in my veins. I could feel my cheeks become even redder, reaching all the way to the tips of my ears.

This man had no idea what he was doing to me!

Not knowing what else to do, I squealed and lifted the comforter, trying to hide my embarrassment. A light tug, however, made me peak over the edge, blinking innocently at the man that was clearly casting all sorts of magic spells over me.

"No need to hide from me, my love. Nothing you do could ever make me love you any less, even if your face is all red and blushed," He teased, moving the covers away before sweetly pecking my cheek.

After feeding me the pancakes himself, Adrien led me to the bathroom where a steaming bath filled with bubbles and rose petals waited patiently for me to indulge in.

I eagerly slipped beneath the surface of the water, just my head sticking out, whilst Adrien had taken the tray downstairs...only to then reappear in the bathroom, running a brush through my waves as I soaked. And yes, perhaps he might have massaged my scalp a bit too and sang some of his solo songs from his early career, but that was a secret that I would never reveal and would keep locked away in my heart forever.

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