Chapter 8

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October 12th, Sally Jenkins- Not even 24 hours have passed since a new band stood atop of Canada's famous Star Debut stage on BOM, channel 306, but people from all around the world are buzzing with excitement.

Just last night, Best Of Music aired their usual music program but surprised us all with a brilliant twist when a new group called Archangel finally made their appearance after weeks of hints and teasers.

The three member group, consisting of Grammy winner Adrien Salvatore and qualified musicians Jeremy Mandell and Matthew Derulo, enlightened thousands of people with their upbeat single about a fleeting summer romance with tons of emotions weaved into the lyrics. The raw emotion, as well as the eye catching choreography and passion the band expressed on stage was enough to turn most of the viewers of the program into fans, their official fandom name having been released as 'Angels'.

Statistics showed that the program was watched by a live audience of 150 people, live streamed by 3 million people as it aired online and has at least 6 million views of the repeat on BOM's official YouTube channel. With that being said, social media has been exploding ever since they first set foot on the stage as the trending hashtags on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are #Archangel, #BandOfAngels and #NewBeginnings_Archangel, just to name a few. With their overnight success and leap start into the music industry, could it be that Archangel is the group that the world has been waiting for?

It was a Saturday morning and the day after Archangel's debut stage. To say that it was a normal day would be a complete and utter lie. Every social media platform that you could think of was blowing up with notifications and posts about the stunning performance that had been delivered the night before.

I was sitting at the kitchen counter, a cup of warm tea in my hand as I skimmed through the article in the Music Brought Live magazine, the Canada Times newspaper laying neatly folded in front of me. I'd switched off the TV long ago because somehow it was possible that every show that was airing was a repeat and every news channel was rambling on about the financial situation of Canada against China or about the debut of Archangel.

Now, don't get me wrong, I was proud of my husband and his band but after listening to people rave about it for an hour straight on every channel whilst simultaneously reading articles about them as well, somewhere along the way you kind of get fed up with it. There has to be other news out there too, right?

Well, I'd be lying if I said that hearing about my husband and his bandmates' success didn't make me break into a smile. I was so proud of them that the mere mention of Archangel was enough to send sparks of excitement through my veins. I felt as giddy as a child on Christmas morning.

I brought my cup to my lips as I swallowed the warm contents, sighing in content as I stared out of the window and glimpsed the swan fountain with water trickling from their beaks.

Had Aurelia been right? Could I find happiness with this strange situation? So far, things had been going rather smoothly, considering. We were strangers that bumped into each other in the middle of the night. Strangers that met around every corner. Strangers that agreed to an arranged marriage for the sake of family. Yet we get along fine. As odd as it may sound, it doesn't feel uncomfortable. It doesn't bother me as much as before. It became a new...normal, I guess.

A pair of arms snaked around my waist as I felt a pressure rest on my shoulder and I jumped in my seat, my heartbeat racing from shock at the sudden contact as I was flung back to reality after drifting off in thought. The arms disappeared instantly as a panicked voice began apologizing profusely.

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