Chapter 5

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Mrs. Katherine Thalia Salvatore.

Just yesterday I was Katherine Thalia Daniels, the famous author that had been nominated to become a New York Times Bestseller. Now, my identity has changed. Everything has changed. So, who am I now? Who have I become?


The name rang through my head over and over again on constant repeat. Not in a good way. 

I married into the Salvatore family. A famous company owner, a world renowned opera star and one of the biggest idols in the world, a hit on the music scene. Where do I fit in that picture? Or better yet, do I fit in that picture?

I might carry their name now, but it's so much more than that. I carry their reputation, their future, on my shoulders. And not only theirs, but my own family's as well.

I finally understood why my father had wanted me to marry the heir of the Salvatore family. As if the fog had cleared from my mind, the whole picture had become visible.

My father owns his own company too. Dream Finish Publishers. It was the biggest publishing company in all of Canada, much like UpBeat Entertainment is the biggest music agency. Our company helps find potential gems in writing and give them the chance of a lifetime. Many of our chosen rough diamonds have  gone on to become world famous authors; like Mary Rodriguez, the mystery novelist known best for her big hit called Find Me, Cameron Piper that writes romance novels that will make any girl swoon and the list goes on. We provide scholarships, workshops and so much more. Which is why I understand now. Just like us, UpBeat Entertainment looks for potential talent, trains them, gives them a chance when no one else will and produces gems that go down in history.

Why did I have to marry Adrien?

To join the two companies together by binding our families in marriage. The news always spoke of the strong hold that each company holds in the country. Now that they've melted together, they are virtually unstoppable. The new company name is apparently Glass Bridge Entertainment. A place that helps build bridges to your dream future. This one move has created an agency that rules over the entertainment section of the country and somewhat worldwide. The only thing it lacks is a foothold in the acting segment. Other than that, its a tycoon. And somehow, Adrien and I got stuck in the middle of it all.

This is what had mulled through my head during the entire reception. I didn't notice the decorations, nor the cake or even the elaborate feast that had been prepared. I did, however, snap out of my stupor when it was announced that it was time for the bride and groom's first dance.

Perfect. I couldn't dance to save my life. 

Still, when Adrien extended his hand for me to take, I accepted with a small and almost shy smile, just like what is expected of a bride on her wedding day. I knew that at least three people of the media were seated in the crowds, their job to cover the biggest event of most likely the year. And for that, perfection was in order.

Adrien led me to the center of the ballroom, which was indeed fit for a queen and big enough to hold all of our 200 guests with more than enough space left for dancing in the middle. He bowed at the waist and I curtseyed in return before the music started and he pulled me closer to him, the heat of being so close to him not oppressing but...comforting? Strange. 

The  tempo was slow at the beginning, easy enough for a plain waltz, but I grew nervous because I knew what was coming. The tapping of a finger on my waist caused me to look up however and Adrien looked at me with a curious look.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.

A blush creeped over my cheeks all the way to my ears, making them blood red in embarrassment. I couldn't even look him in the eyes when I answered, "I-I can't dance, and the tempo will pick up soon..."

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