Chapter 1

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"No. Absolutely not." My voice was firm, unyielding under the penetrating stares of my parents.

Naturally it was my mother that spoke up, ever the peacemaker in our family, though I seriously doubted she'd be able to damper my temper this time around.

"Katherine, honey, please try and be reasonable about this. Your father only wants what's best for the family, for you."

I could hardly contain my snort, just barely masking it with a sort of cough, as I rolled my eyes pointedly.

"What's best for me? For the family? Stop fooling yourself Mom. He's doing what's best for the company, nothing more. He gives so much attention to the company you'd swear it's his child rather than me." Bold statement to make considering my father stood a mere few feet away. Now, it has occurred to me that this little conversation might come across as highly disrespectful and rude, especially since I am talking to my parents, but in my defense, in this day and time I can't possibly think of a single person alive that would be happy with an arranged marriage. Not only that, but with a complete stranger too. Have you ever? What a joke.

I had just opened my mouth once again, wanting to try and make them both see some sort of reason as to why this arrangement was nothing short of madness when my father gave me a stern no-nonsense look as he cut me off, leaving me looking somewhat like a gaping fish.

"That's enough Katherine Thalia. Not another word." Around then I knew it better to keep my big mouth shut for a while. I knew I was treading on thin ice when I was referred to by my full name. This time was certainly no different.

"The date has been set and this arrangement has been settled between me and an old friend of mine for years now. Almost from the day you were born. You don't particularly have a say in the matter."

Wow, so much for a father's love. I know he's my father but how could he just plan out my life without so much as consulting me in something as big as this? Utterly ridiculous if you ask me, but then again, he didn't ask me so what does it matter?

I heaved a sigh of annoyance, my anger subsiding a bit as I rubbed at my temples, my attention now directed at the enormous headache I felt pounding rhythmically against my skull.

My mom placed a hand on my arm, a soothing gesture, until I caught sight of her wedding ring glinting in the last rays of afternoon light, which caused me to recoil ever so slightly, opting to look in her eyes instead to avoid the feeling of dread coiling deep in the pit of my stomach.

"I am close friend with his mother. I've met him a few times over the years and he seems like a nice boy. I'm sure you'll get along."

Friends with his mother? And my father knows his dad? Yet somehow the people that are supposed to know each other, the bride and groom, have never even brushed shoulders in passing, let alone gotten engaged. This had to be illegal somehow. Maybe I could sue my own family for getting me married against my will?

At that moment, a lightbulb went off in my head.

"Will I be able to meet him at least?"

My mother chuckled slightly, as if this were the silliest thing to have asked her.

"Of course you will, darling."

That's great news! If we meet and talk about this then maybe we can convince our parents together that this wasn't a good idea. We could tell them that we don't love each other and get this whole thing behind us.

"You'll meet him tomorrow..." Tomorrow already? Good. The sooner the better. Maybe I can actually get myself out of this mess after all, "When you walk down the aisle."

Arranged to be YoursOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz