Bittersweet Ending~

Start from the beginning

"I doubt it for some reason?"

Yang simply answered as she had her Satanic Celica back on, and began to crack her knuckles, once the entire Devil Hunting Group had their weapons out and ready, they all were ready to slay some demons and looked stylish while doing it.

"Bang~... Nah it doesn't sound as cool as Jackpot."

Ruby couldn't help but disapprove of the catchphrase, and with that, the entire Devil Hunting Group cleared out the entire city of demons, which only took a few hours thanks to everyone's team effort. After that was done, Lady decided to leave and take care of some things, but would come back to retrieve her Kalina Ann and most likely join their team, much to a certain Hoodie Girl's excitement. The RWBY Girls themselves also decided to go home after the job was done; though it was very much destroyed and most likely needed to find a new home, luckily for them though, Weiss has connections and money saved up, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find a new building or shop to live in. So the entire group just decided to clean up the mess, both to recover whatever survived in the ruined building and just have a place to stay for the night, though while almost finished cleaning up, a certain Son of Sparda returned and entered the now-cleaner building.


The Devil Gals rushed forward and hugged their Devil Hunter, who wore a small smile and returned the hugs.

"Hello my Demon Ladies, hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long~..."

Dante tried his best to put on a carefree expression, though he couldn't; his teammates had noticed.

"Are you ok Dante?"

Yang asked in great concern, having never seen the Man In Red look so sad and defeated.

"Also, where's Vergil?"

While she was also worried about his well-being, Blake couldn't help but follow him, hoping, very much hoping to see Vergil, a silly wish to have, and a silly wish that would soon be dashed, as Dante sighed softly, and pulled out Yamato, the entire group gasped, as they could tell what that meant just by looking at the weapon, though the one who looked broken about it, besides the Man In Red, was Blake, as she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face, as she slowly took the sword, to which the Son Of Sparda let her, clearly understanding her pain.

"I'll... Be in bed..."

Dante sounded exhausted, as he walked off and headed towards his room; no doubt wanting to be alone and process this as well.

"U-Um, would you like some pizza later?"

Ruby quickly offered something, hoping to make him feel better, but the Devil Hunter only shook his head no, before going into his room and closing the door. This was enough information for them to realize just how bad things were.

"... I guess even a Devil May Cry..."

All Weiss could say, as he sat next to Blake, and held her close as she continued to sob and cry out loudly, was "I'm sorry." She refused to let go of the sword, clutching it tightly to her chest... Later, in the middle of the night, Dante just fell onto his bed, not wearing his signature coat, and lay there, thinking about what had happened in Hell.

'You had everything Vergil... Why throw it all away...'

Dante clenched his fist, as he looked at the glove that lay on his small table next to his bed, which had a broken lamp on it. The glove had cuts and bloodstains on it; the sight was enough to make him let out a few tears, but he didn't cry. Especially when someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

The voice belonged to Yang, the Devil Hunter. He sighed as he sat up and wiped away some tears.


Once Dante gave the okay, the blonde came in, wearing her sleeping clothes, and had her weapons put away, exposing a nasty metallic scar on her arm, something that made the Son of Sparda look at it with guilt and regret.

"Are you doing ok?"

Yang wore a concerned and very worried expression, even though it had never happened to her, she could imagine what it would be like if she lost one of her siblings.

"I'm fine... How's Blake?..."

Dante tried to wave off her concern and gesture for her to come in, while also offering a spot to sit next to him.

"Well, she cried herself to sleep, though refused to let go of the sword, we'll try to take it away from her in the morning."

Yang came into the room and sat down beside the Devil Hunter, while also explaining what had happened.

"I see..."

All Dante could say was as he looked down; even though he knew what the Demon Faunus was going through, he didn't really know how to comfort or help her. There was a moment of silence between the two.

"You know, um, Weiss already found a new shop we could buy, if you like, we could-"

Yang decided to both break the ice and change the subject, as her main goal here was to cheer up her Leader and make him feel better; though before she could bring up anything that could brighten his day a little, like buying a new place to live and work at, or even a pizza party, she was then quickly interrupted by Dante, who carefully pulled Yang close and kissed her deeply. The blonde's eyes widened and her blush became very bright, but she soon calmed down and held the Devil Man tightly. The kiss lasted for a few minutes before the two fell onto the bed and broke the kiss.

"W-What finally made you make the first move?..."

Yang, still blushing and looking away a bit shyly, the Devil Hunter lets out a small smile and holds the Blonde close to him.

"I didn't want to make the same mistake my Brother did, and throw away everything I love and care for."

Dante answered truthfully, the Satanic Xiao Long could only respond with a small smile, before holding the Son Of Sparda closely, and nuzzling against his chest. With that, after their true feelings were revealed, and having more of a calm and peaceful heart, which was no longer weighed down by heavy emotions, the new demonic couple just slept together in the bed, and hoped to wake up to a brighter tomorrow... The next morning, Ruby kicked down the door, which startled and woke up the two.

Now isn't that a happy ending hehe~

(I'm gonna do two or three more chapter's before taking break from this story and work on something else~)

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