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"I love you," JJ whispered, watching as the love of his life walked down the aisle next to him. 

She was beautiful, in her white flowy and lace dress. Clearly it had cost a pretty penny. He glanced at Topper standing at the top of the stage. Damn would he give anything to be up there.   

To be free with Y/N. 

He was lucky he was even able to sneak in here, though even luckier that she hadn't seen him just yet.  

He was plagued with nerves, knowing that in a few moments the love of his life would be whisked away from him. There was nothing that either of them could do about it.  

Y/N Y/L/N was to marry Topper.    

Those were the rules, it didn't matter about happiness, or longevity. All that mattered was their social class, to their families JJ is nothing.  

Though Y/N didn't feel this way, she didn't care about the money. She never had, she could see herself as one of those travelers that goes around the country in their car with barely any money to their name.  

Yet they were free, and she wasn't. 

She liked Topper, however, she'd seen the way that he could treat others. 

Once the ceremony began, JJ snuck out of the church. He couldn't bear to watch anymore, after all that's what was going to make this the worst day of his life. 

"They're blackmailing her now," JJ mumbled through a sigh. "Heard they threatened to kill us," 

This caused John B to laugh. A sad laugh. "God damn what have we gotten ourselves into?" 

"A war between the kooks and the pogues… Who will win?" JB simply glanced at his vest friend saddened as he pulled him into his arms.  

JJ closed his eyes, he remembers why he did it all. 

The first time their lips locked it was, like a fire erupted in the two of them. It was as though things would never be the same again. 

JJ thought about their midnight walks together with their hands interlocked. The pranks that they would set on Rafe like filling his helmet with shaving cream. Then there were those special moments like the time JJ attempted to teach Y/N to surf though it was midnight and too dark to see outside.  

The blonde pogue sat at the beach, a beer in his hand. As John B sighed, taking a seat next to him.  

"So we both have a screwed love life huh," 

"At least Sarah doesn't have to get married yet," JJ murmured through a sigh. 

"It's not my fault you're older than me because your dad got you into school late," 

"It was fate so that I could meet your dumb ass," JJ murmured through a laugh.  

"Oh hell no, you're the dumb ass you moldy sandwich eating-" Suddenly John B had been cut off by the sound of a car pulling up and it's door slamming closed. 

Kiara was working at her parents' restaurant, and Popped was delivering food today. JJ quickly whipped away his tears before turning around to see who it was. 

His eyes widened in shock. "Topper?" 

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